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  1. Handle Deleted Albums More Elegantly

    Bliss seems to remember that an album existed after it has been deleted - and therefore keep looking to determine whether it is compliant or not, even though there is no album to check.

    It would be better if Bliss flagged that an album appeared to have vanished (you might want to know if this was by mistake!) but then gave you the option to acknowledge the change so that Bliss "forgets" the album and no longer looks for it.

    Probably not spotted before because you don't often delete albums/music - but this happened during some testing of VortexBox/Bliss when…

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  2. a stop button

    to make it stop!

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    This feature has now been released:

    There will be three buttons: play, pause and rescan. bliss can be either in ‘play’ or ‘pause’ mode. ‘Rescan’ is only possible when in ‘play’ mode.

    ‘Pause’ pauses all file scans and assessments. ‘Play’ restarts them.

    Please, let me know any comments about the suggested changes.

  3. dry run

    do a dry run especially for the freeware;
    seeing the amount of "fixes" suddenly go down on my live library was terribly frightening.
    I really need to know what will be changed where, my library is too large to let random software do something on it.

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    With the release of the New Inbox I’m going to consider this done: This is implemented by the new Inbox –

    Earlier, the ability to set all rules to “manual” means we can now scan the library without making any fixes.

    The problems reported in the Inbox constitute the “dry run”, and they also show the recommended response to these problems that bliss will enact if running automatically or via the fix-all batch options.

  4. Control number of embedded artworks

    In many music file types it is possible to save multiple artworks. However, not all music players cope with this very well.

    This could be solved by adding extra entries to the embedded art option - adding a 'embed, but only one artwork per file' option.

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  5. Install bliss as a Windows service

    Windows has 'services' which are applications that are started when the computer starts. bliss is ideal for servers that are running 24x7, and so it would be useful to configure bliss to run at startup.

    A current workaround, without Windows service support, is to start bliss as a 'Scheduled Task' at startup.

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  6. Ignore compliance for certain albums

    Some albums just cannot be fixed because, for instance, their album art cannot be found anywhere. For the sake of achieving 100% compliance I'd like to mark these albums as 'ignored'. I want to be able to do it for any aspect of bliss, for instance file organisation (saying 'actually, the existing location is ok') or genre etc.

    Similar to .

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  7. Control zero padding for track number in file names

    The <tracknumber> token currently reads the track number tag for a music file, and uses it verbatim for the expected file path. This means if the tag says '1' it will use '1', or if '01' it will use '01'.

    Additionally, if the tracks in an album number greater than nine, then bliss will also add an automatic padding of one zero to all single digit tracks.

    This idea would allow users to specify they always want a minimum number of zeroes padding in their filenames, so even if there's, say, an EP of six tracks the numbering would be…

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    This feature is now released, as per

    The <tracknumber> token changes to behave as follows:

    <tracknumber> : The track number as-is
    <tracknumber:n> : The track number, minimum one digit
    <tracknumber:nn> : The track number, minimum two digits (etc for any number of "n"s)
    <tracknumber:auto> : The track number, leading zeros dependent on size of album

    Because the old behaviour of <tracknumber> was the same as <tracknumber:auto>, your settings will be updated to the latter.

  8. Shrink artwork (due to data size) should be automatic

    When art is too large (in terms of data size) the shrink artwork option is manual, I have to go through each album and click the fix. I'd rather they were all shrunk automatically.

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  9. Update alert and update within app

    When a new version of bliss is available, it would be cool if you could be alerted to this from within the web app and also upgrade just by clicking on a button

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  10. Allow editing of the genre tree

    The allowable genre tree is a hierarchy of genres, from most general to most specific. It is populated with a large, best guess tree.

    I would like to include some genres that are not in the tree, and to potentially edit the structure of the tree. The genre tree should allow me to add genres at any level, and edit existing genres. The tree should be saved across restarts.

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  11. Upgrade to better quality artwork automatically

    When I specify a minimum resolution, and the existing art is below that resolution, I want bliss to find art of a higher resolution and install it automatically. At the moment, it just marks the art as being too small and I have to pick an alternative.

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  12. Enforce zero, one or many separate cover art files

    Different music systems/apps use different naming conventions, and it would be helpful to be able to rename and/or duplicate existing art to work with those. Rules could be added to allow multiple art files in a folder with certain names, or enforce that only one would remain with a certain name. Also, the rule should be able to enforce no separate art, or just ignore separate files altogether.

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  13. 6 votes

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  14. ability to increase the number of albums shown on a page, 12 albums doesn't cut it.

    ability to increase the number of albums shown on a page. Going through a large collection 12 albums at a time just doesn't cut it.

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  15. Add genre capitalization option

    It would be nice if bliss could enforce capitalization of genre tags. At the moment, it seems bliss sets all new genre tags to lowercase, but leaves the old ones as they are.

    Consistency would be nice.

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  16. Make startup scan faster - don't rescan on every start

    Currently bliss seems to be scanning everything from scratch when it's started. For me this easily takes longer than 30 minutes with about 1000 albums.

    I suggest that bliss should do a quicker scan in the beginning, for instance just checking whether the files have changed since bliss last scanned them. This would make startup much faster without any adverse effects that I can see.

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  17. Add <cdnumber> to custom file/folder template

    I like to put Albums/Compilations containing multiple CDs into one folder. The files should then be named 1-0X Title for the first CD, 2-0X for the second CD, and so on.

    Currently with bliss, this is impossible.

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  18. allowing single digit tracks to be stored as two digits

    I would like my track numbers stored in two digits. For example I would prefer track #2 to be renamed and stored as track #02.

    This applies to tags, not filenames.

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    This feature has now been released:

    The rule is called ‘Track number length at least’ and there are four settings: ignore, auto, two digits and three digits.

    ‘Auto’ will work the same as the file compliance stuff – it will depend on the number of tracks in an album already. If more than nine and less than one hundred, it will be one leading zero, for instance.

  19. Automating Uncompliant File Path fixing

    It would be nice if there was an optiion to have Bliss automatically repair any Uncompliant File Path issues rather than have you click on "Fix File Paths" for every single album.

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  20. Possibility to add folder art as well as embedded art

    Apparently no folder art is added if the art is embedded into the music files. It would be nice if both can be done, if selected.

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