AdminDan Gravell
(Founder and programmer, bliss)
My feedback
499 results found
8 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminDan Gravell (Founder and programmer, bliss) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment @Errol - you can also search and edit the tags on the Tags page. Is that any use?
An error occurred while saving the comment That's cool - note that differing album counts are often because different software counts albums in different ways depending not just on the content of any one tag, but also which tags exist (some may use COMPILATION, some may use the file paths, etc.).
An error occurred while saving the comment Obviously I'd prefer bliss to provide the controlled correction environment! Let me know how it doesn't...
An error occurred while saving the comment What do you want to do with the resulting CSV?
93 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Can you send us a debug archive to so we can look into the incorrect paging? See
An error occurred while saving the comment @Andrew makes sense - I often do the same thing - noticing things I want to update - although not always with album art.
An error occurred while saving the comment Totally appreciate this - it's been on my radar a while.
An error occurred while saving the comment The closest thing is using search on the Tags page, but this is an exact match and it shows files, not albums. This might at least give you an idea what album it is!
AdminDan Gravell (Founder and programmer, bliss) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Certainly no reason other than it hasn't been implemented yet ;-)
An error occurred while saving the comment I merged Matt Jenkins idea into this one:
"Being able to search your database for artists, albums, albums of a specific genre, etc would be a huge bonus.
When you have thousands of albums spread amongst many hundreds of artists finding the album or artist within the artist and album displays is an onerous task. A simple search box that returns simple text matches for artist, album, genre, etc., would be a good start. Advanced searches where you can search for strings within the specific topics of artist, album, genre etc., would be even better."
An error occurred while saving the comment I agree. As more stuff is added to the interface, a search function becomes one of the easiest way of finding things.
I think it should be top level (accessible from any page) and it shouldn't just search for albums, artists etc.... it should also search for bliss concepts. E.g. search for 'settings' - suggests a settings page. Search for 'albums' - suggests the album overview page. Anyway, that's a vision, maybe first step would just be album/artist search as you say.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Yes, you could imagine some more options on the rescan dropdown... Nice idea.
9 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment @Brian remember you can also see the tags for each individual album on the album page - you should see a "Tags" button.
AdminDan Gravell (Founder and programmer, bliss) supported this idea ·
126 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment @Stu How do you mean "MacOS has abandoned support for private libraries"? It's not that extreme is it?
An error occurred while saving the comment I suppose another way of looking at it is that some people use iTunes as the hub of their music collection and the "gold" source of information. If you just use it as a convenience player or conduit for music to an iPhone I can see your point.
An error occurred while saving the comment Yes, the other trouble with that is that it doesn't necessarily provide a way to 'poke' iTunes to let it know the data has changed.
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks, looks like it'll have to be the COM API for Windows and AppleScript on OS X.
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks Matt. That seems to update all the tracks already in the database. We possibly also need to add/remove tracks when they have been moved.
One of the big challenges of this will be platform independence: how to hook into iTunes on both OS X and Windows. Plus, whether to support remote iTunes instances. I think initially it will be local only.
An error occurred while saving the comment So a simple 'Get Info' on an individual album didn't work?
An error occurred while saving the comment @JFK - does it work on an individual album? What metadata are we talking about here?
An error occurred while saving the comment Agree with this. It also applies to other music players, but I guess iTunes should be first given its popularity.
Also see: which relates to updating iTunes once bliss has changed something within the album, e.g. artwork, tags.
An error occurred while saving the comment I agree Paul - this is an old idea but I actually think it should have more prominence!
AdminDan Gravell (Founder and programmer, bliss) shared this idea ·
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Additional comment in an idea merged into this one:
When cover art is renamed, currently you can only choose a static name. I would prefer to be able to put the <artists name> and <album name> in the cover art file name. The same way as how we rename the music file.
An error occurred while saving the comment Yep, this would be useful and would improve integration with certain music players that require album/artist names in the cover art filenames. You could also store album art away from the files in a specific location, e.g.
<album name>.jpgstores in the local folder...
/artwork/<album name>.jpg
stores in the root "artwork" folder.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Good idea - there's no way to do this. See also
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment This is a bug - if the value is cleared it should be removed. What file format is this? Could you possibly share the file via ?
16 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment @4pm that's as much support for _reading_ multiple genres as setting them, but I think this idea implies multiple genres are supported (including via a separator as well as having multiple fields) so the comment can stay here...
An error occurred while saving the comment @Bob Yes, it currently will.
An error occurred while saving the comment @kmb I think that's a slightly separate topic... although very related. This idea is specifically about setting to multiple genres.
What you are saying sounds more general; allowing multiple genres, splitting by a delimiter and allowing subsequent assessment. But in terms of a specific thing to add to bliss, it depends what you mean by "clean"... If you can define that I would advise adding a new idea.
But both would be great.
An error occurred while saving the comment Yeah, both those items could be configurable I think... with good defaults where possible.
For the separator, if bliss sees an obvious one being used then that could be assumed as the correct separator, otherwise use the most widely used default (I think this is ";").
The append/overwrite is a little like the singular embedded album art rule. It could be a separate rule to enforce single or multiple genres. Some music players don't support this approach, after all.
An error occurred while saving the comment Great, thanks I've just made the title a bit more specific.
An error occurred while saving the comment Do you mean support for multiple genre tags? What exactly do you want to see... the ability to add multiple genres in the album detail page, or the missing information / genre consolidation rules to tag multiple genres?
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment See also . This would probably work well with:
My browser shows the MBID in the status bar when you hover over the link - although this probably isn't shown in the Windows app.
Thanks @Jason
58 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment @Jason No - at the moment automatic "watch" scans ("Listen for file changes") work on all folders that are added.
An error occurred while saving the comment How about "Rescan all filtered" so only the current filtered albums are rescanned? Plus add an "Unknown" filter to the compliance filters...
That would be a little less cluttered...
An error occurred while saving the comment Good point. Also there's a problem with associating the rescan button with the current filter - what about the album count? Is it only the 12 albums shown that are rescanned? So maybe the original idea is best.
An error occurred while saving the comment Maybe the rescan button should be associated with the filter that is currently applied? E.g. if you have just non-compliant albums shown, rescan rescans only the non-compliant.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks for the suggestion @Adam! What sort of thing should be organised within the movies/videos? Your own videos you've shot, or ripped DVDs, Blu-Rays etc?
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks for that - yes, I suppose there's an assumption that the files are in the same folder, but especially with duplicates this might not be the case - there might be a full duplicate of an album, for instance.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks!
AdminDan Gravell (Founder and programmer, bliss) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Oh, good point, thanks. The maximum size is actually relative to the assigned memory - 4MB is the size for the default memory. See for assigning more memory.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment I'm surprised the licence only works on one instance. You could get in touch to resolve that... at worse we could give you another licence because this is covered within our licencing policy.
What you're describing is essentially rulesets. I'd be interested to hear if this approach could work:
27 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment @frank This is mostly about getting an export of the library I think - missing tracks, multi disc releases and so on are dealt with elsewhere.
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks for sharing that. This is really interesting - I've long thought about something we have lost in the move to sharing - the ability to share your curated music library.
I wonder if something similar would be useful to people. Fits in well with "The Big Idea" too -
An error occurred while saving the comment Sure, obviously it would also be good to know what can't be fixed in bliss, so I can make it so it can be fixed in bliss!
An error occurred while saving the comment I'm interested: why? I just want to understand the intent behind the idea.
60 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment @frank that can also happen when iTunes assigns different artists to different tracks - iTunes itself sees different albums, and then if you have the "organize library" option enabled it may move the files around.
An error occurred while saving the comment @Thomas I'm sorry about that, but we're pretty resource constrained... obviously the more votes this gets, the more likely it is we'll polish this feature off.
An error occurred while saving the comment @Jim no real progress, but an obvious place to put this now is under "album integrity" with the duplicates rule.
An error occurred while saving the comment Consistency and completeness!
An error occurred while saving the comment Really like this idea, part of the three Cs - "completeness".
36 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Yeah, I think a manual fallback is best, I suppose it depends on how many cases of this there are. If there are relatively few, then manual fallback, otherwise some additional replacement rule.
An error occurred while saving the comment What tool can't read such a filename, out of interest?
An error occurred while saving the comment Agreed. Remember, though, that a lot of the use cases for bliss are working around companies not stepping up for various reasons ;-)
An error occurred while saving the comment They were asking for both - I was answering the special character case. We already support UTF-8. What do you mean by "OS prescribed symbols"? Are you saying there are characters from the non-Latin set that aren't permitted? If so, please send me a URL!
An error occurred while saving the comment Yeah, that could be another idea: specify replacement character for file system sensitive characters.
The list of disallowed characters in bliss is the one here:
But I think this idea is about expanding this to cover other characters?
An error occurred while saving the comment What are the character replacements in ripit... does anyone know?
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment In some cases, this could be default behaviour. Although in use cases where, say, you have one large untagged folder with many unsorted files going in different directions, you wouldn't want this (and it might not even be possible - which of the many folders would you move to?)
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Understood. Although, we could potentially make it default behaviour to simple move untagged files as we currently move non-music files like artwork. This would keep the files together.
Oh - I see you've already suggested this!
@Bill thanks - that's a compelling argument