In the "Set to" genre fixes, allow multiple genres to be set
Being able to tag songs with multiple tags through the UI or automatically.

@4pm that's as much support for _reading_ multiple genres as setting them, but I think this idea implies multiple genres are supported (including via a separator as well as having multiple fields) so the comment can stay here...
4pm commented
not sure if I should create a new suggestion or just upvote this one. What I would like to see is to be able to define a genre separator (eg ; or /) and then have bliss recognise the individual genres. The result being similar to what I read in other comments here. If I allow pop, country, blues and acoustic then I could use any combo on my songs and it wouldn't be seen as a separate genre every time like now.
e.g. the below list is currently seen as 8 different genres but it should only be seen as 4
blues;country -
@Bob Yes, it currently will.
Bob commented
Up to 3 genres separated by ';' would be wonderful. Currently I can't use Bliss's genre function because I'm afraid it will overwrite all my multi-genre tags.
RTMcG commented
I also would like multiple genres, especially since every artist and track fits under multiple genres. The separator could be user defined (I would like ; but others may want / )
Jean commented
Allow multiple Genre for an album because presently Bliss is trying to concatenate multiple Genre in one new Genre that don't exist in the rule list. It should valided each iteration of Genre to match the rules.
Ex: Genre = Francophone and Genre= Québécois
not do Genre = FrancophoneQuébécoisLogitech Media Server support multiple Genre and its very nice when a song can be classified in more than one genre
zigzag10 commented
It would be great if Bliss could cater for multiple genres (up to 3; delimited by ‘;’ character and which are based on a predefined whitelist). I wouldn't hesitate to purchase if it did!!
kmb commented
I tagged my music with multiple genres, seperated with ";".
All genres are on the allowed list, it would be nice if bliss could fix the compliance for multiple genres (not just allowing one).
Thanks -
@kmb I think that's a slightly separate topic... although very related. This idea is specifically about setting to multiple genres.
What you are saying sounds more general; allowing multiple genres, splitting by a delimiter and allowing subsequent assessment. But in terms of a specific thing to add to bliss, it depends what you mean by "clean"... If you can define that I would advise adding a new idea.
But both would be great.
kmb commented
Well, i´m looking for good way to get my genres straightened out as well.
So need the ability to clean multiple genres in bliss, or at least a hint on how to achive it otherwise.
I got them tagged with Picard, seperator is "; ". -
Yeah, both those items could be configurable I think... with good defaults where possible.
For the separator, if bliss sees an obvious one being used then that could be assumed as the correct separator, otherwise use the most widely used default (I think this is ";").
The append/overwrite is a little like the singular embedded album art rule. It could be a separate rule to enforce single or multiple genres. Some music players don't support this approach, after all.
Buddy commented
When setting this up, will you intend to separate the genre's by ";"? Also, can you please set it as configurable to append current genre's or overwrite existing?
Thanks again,
Buddy commented
Dan thanks for your help, please implement this, I can't use the functionality at all till this is done as I don't want to loose what I have already but I am looking for a way to consolidate playlists in Mediamonkey
Great, thanks I've just made the title a bit more specific.
Rico commented
When an album is not genre compliant, you only get 2 options:
Set to <alternative genre>
Allow genre <original genre> and add to the list.
I would like to have the option to add multiple genre tags, which would result in:
inside the song file.
So the option to add a second or third genre tag. -
Do you mean support for multiple genre tags? What exactly do you want to see... the ability to add multiple genres in the album detail page, or the missing information / genre consolidation rules to tag multiple genres?