Add a capability to add the correct linked release if it is not found by Bliss
Add a capability to add the correct linked release if it is not found by Bliss.
Often (especially for more obscure albums) the album is marked non-compliant as the list of linked releases does no find the actual matching release. If I unlink all releases and rescan, it will clear the errors, but it would be good, after unlinking all the incorrect releases, to be able to add the correct release so bliss was able to verify the tags against the correct release (rather than just marking it all as compliant becuase it has no linked releases to check against).

jon commented
...says it all really.
Tom Skinner commented
Yes please - this is really useful as an override. I just had a case where I can find the release on Discogs but bliss doesn't retrieve it.
Alejandro Verri commented
We should have a way to provide the link to the releases, once we found the unknown record on discogs database. If we were able to replace the links, then we will point bliss to the right list of songs, covers, etc.
Jesse Greathouse commented
I find the "Linked releases" selection feature to be very useful, but there are certain times that I can find the album on faster than browsing through the list of linked releases.
I think it would be awesome if I could manually enter the url of the discogs or musicbrainz album page, instead of selecting it from the available list. Bliss is really good at identifying which album it matches in these sources, but in certain cases, I'm better at finding it by browsing discogs.
Thanks. After much delay, working on UX stuff, I'm hoping to get to a number of linked release related stuff soon.
Peter Monks commented
I notice it's been two and half years since this issue was originally raised, and just want to add my voice to it. This is a major gap in Bliss' capabilities, and greatly hinders all aspects of the app, since metadata, album art, etc. is all predicated on Bliss linking to the correct release. Please consider moving this to the top of the product's backlog.
Pascal commented
While generally working fine, sometimes linked release detection is wrong and it would be nice to have the possibility to link manually to a specific release by entering Discogs or MusicBrainz ID
Frank Köhntopp commented
Adding the Discogs URL would work, a Discogs search box would be even cooler.
John Slaybaugh commented
Being able to manually match up a release would be very helpful. I have several box sets and deluxe editions that Bliss simply cannot find a match to the appropriate release. If I go on Discogs or Musicbrainz and do a search I can find the exact release without a problem. I have spent several hours trying to tweak file names and tags trying to get Bliss to make the correct match to no avail. The latest release I've run into this problem with is a box set by Dead Can Dance simply titled "1981-1998". Bliss keeps trying to match it to their self titled album not the box set. The box set is not even being listed as one of the possible matches under linked releases. It is very frustrating to know what release you have, can find the release in Discogs or Musicbrainz but not be able to get Bliss to make the appropriate connection.
Another situation I have run into where a manual override would be handy is when Bliss links to several dozen releases and one of them has incorrect data so you have to dig through all the linked releases to find the one causing problems. It would be a lot more convenient if there was a manual override that simply allowed you to enter the Discogs or Musicbrainz URL to the correct release.
jbaltrus commented
I would like this. For some problematic albums like Rammstein's Mutter where there are 50+ versions, linking the correct one isn't happening automatically.
A manual override would be nice.
Guy Bolton King commented
Just being able to manually enter the discogs URL would be good. I have several classical CD rips that Bliss doesn’t find the right releases for.
Good idea. Do you mean adding the URL for the release? Where would you want to find the data from?
Also, it would be good if the incorrect release wasn't chosen in the first place...