Add the ability to ignore albums where correct artwork can not be found
When going through the list of albums where bliss can not determine which artwork to add to them, you ca not always find the correct artwork.
There should be away of marking these to ignore, so that the list only contains those which have not been actioned.
At a later date, I might then like to go back to them or have bliss re-search for artwork.
This is needed as currently, I have a huge list full of albums where only incorrect artwork is available.

This feature is now available for download.
Wow - this was in a very, very old version and the feature has since been lost.
Take a look at which would cover this.
A workaround: use the "delete" feature to remove the album from bliss, and also bliss-ignorefiles / bliss-ignorefolders to avoid the files being rescanned into bliss later:
Paul Graft commented
Where is this feature? I have about 20 albums that will never have art work and would like to have bliss ignore them or even delete them from my bliss - need to keep in iTunes.
This has actually been requested by email too. I'll add a couple of votes to represent that.