Automating Uncompliant File Path fixing
It would be nice if there was an optiion to have Bliss automatically repair any Uncompliant File Path issues rather than have you click on "Fix File Paths" for every single album.

This feature has now been released:
K commented
This does no good, after fixing all my VA, Various and Various Artist files into one
(Various Artists) folder it insists on moving them back to the original mess I began
I am totally confused -
I'll contact you separately by email Maarten, but for the benefit of others who see something similar here are a few thoughts:
The expected and actual file paths can be viewed by clicking on the 'File path' link for each album in the album overview. This lists each track in an album, its expected path and its actual path. Take a look and see if you can see a difference and make sure it's as you expect.
Next, the fix links should be next to each expected/actual file path, if bliss was able to work out a destination file path. Sometimes it cannot, for instance if one of the tokens you used (say, tracknumber) is unset for the track it won't be able to fix the file path.
Maarten commented
Dear Dan,
Let me start by saying that you've built a marvelous piece of software that is saving me a lot of time, congrats! I've sorted most of my music automatically but for some reason I don't get I still have a lot of uncompliant albums with a "wrong" filepath and I see no button as described above to fix these filepaths. not in the Album Overview nor in the file organisation specifics. Can you help me out?
Kind regards,
I did some work on this in the latest beta build (to be uploaded next weekend) however I didn't have time to complete testing, and for such an intrusive and impacting feature I didn't want to let it out without 100% confidence, so I had to disable it.
I hope to come back to it in the next few weeks.
I've long wanted to add this feature. Because of the 'intrusiveness' and impact of the change, I think I shall add it as an option with the default being manual moves.