a stop button
to make it stop!

This feature has now been released: http://www.blisshq.com/music-library-management-blog/2011/09/27/new-release-20110922/index.html
There will be three buttons: play, pause and rescan. bliss can be either in ‘play’ or ‘pause’ mode. ‘Rescan’ is only possible when in ‘play’ mode.
‘Pause’ pauses all file scans and assessments. ‘Play’ restarts them.
Please, let me know any comments about the suggested changes.
Yeah, this could go right next to the refresh button. By default bliss is 'armed' and will assess/fix your music according to your rules.
Over the past few weeks I've been slowly dripping features in under the general category of 'more control'. The activity stream is part of this ('what has been done') and this would also fit in nicely.