AdminDan Gravell
(Founder and programmer, bliss)
My feedback
499 results found
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment -
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment To clarify, you mean update more than one album to the *same* artwork in one go, right? Apologies for the pedantry.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment I had another thought as to why Dostana was not found....
Discogs has something resembling the art too - and MusicBrainz has (are these good enough?).
The trouble is that to improve quality on a number of the searches we explicitly filter out anything other than music albums.
There are three things to do here, I think:
- Don't filter out releases on MusicBrainz and Discogs
- In Wikipedia try a search for a film, without album artist
- Improvements to how artists are chosen (for your example it should query with 'various' -
35 votes
AdminDan Gravell (Founder and programmer, bliss) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Yes, I suppose another way of looking at it is it's an 'order by' column. Currently the order by is by album name, but it could be by last updated, artist name...
This would also fit into the 'view albums as a list' - the columns would be possible order-bys.
An error occurred while saving the comment Does the activity stream ( ) not help with this? Or is there too much activity? (!)
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Right. Here's how it appears for me when the track name is unset: (can you confirm you see the same thing, music titles ignored?)
I agree it's a bit of a dead end. At the moment you would have to use a tagger to get further (bliss should see the changes you make automatically and re-assess the file).
The file name/path can't really be corrected from this point, because it's the tags that are required. I could make the "[unset]" editable like the album details on the album detail page. I could also add a 'guess' response as to what the title might be, given the file org pattern. What do you think? If you agree, I will rename the idea slightly to reflect this (e.g. "Cope with files without track names").
The same thing goes for files without track numbers, but is even harder because some tracks legitimately don't have track numbers.
An error occurred while saving the comment Which album is this? I already have your logs...
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Not sure I totally follow... if you set 'folder' as the image file name, it will create a folder.jpg, or whatever.
Are you saying you want a default override for the folder.jpg?
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Oh yeah, nice idea. You mean that the default image will also be saved in your library including the music files, not just a replacement for 'empty CD case' default image in bliss, right?
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sure.
A measurable feature would be, similar to what you describe, a simple feature in the UI which limits memory use. The levels would be something like 64, 128, 256 MB (all approximates).
If you agree, I can change the feature title to "option to alter memory consumption" or similar.
An error occurred while saving the comment This is very valid: I myself run bliss on my home server, within a VortexBox VM, and I am always concious of reducing energy use.
First, let's separate the two aspects: memory and cpu.
Memory - the ~200MB is for bliss plus the JVM overhead. bliss is configured to use 128MB maximum - the rest is the overhead. You can lower this by altering the bliss startup files - either or bliss.bat. Change '-Xmx128M' to '-Xmx64MB' or similar. Note that this will slow down bliss, though. It means opportunities for cacheing are reduced and the JVM will more often have to reclaim memory ('garbage collection').
CPU - it's worth checking if this 3% is while bliss is idle. I think there are internal processes, particularly in the UI that poll, every so often, for HTTP session liveness and so forth. We might be able to tune this. However, there will be a baseline: if bliss really is idle then any CPU use would probably come from the file notification system - and there's not much that can be done about that.
What OS/platform are we discussing here?
It's probably worth, after discussion, working out something measurable that we can redefine this idea as - then we can mark it as 'completed'. Obviously 'optimization' is a never ending thing - more can always be done.
22 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Yeah, it's a good idea. I noticed this most on classical recordings, where conductors, soloists etc sometimes appear in the album title and it makes it more difficult to find the art.
It would be good to allow a custom search as a fallback. I suppose it could be pre-populated with the names to make it easy to strip off the tricky parts of the name.
It's not necessarily too much to expect bliss to make extra queries: it does this already in some cases e.g. swapping alphabetic with numeric numbers and stripping of disc number artifacts like 'CD2' and 'Disc one'
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment @Costantino Currently there is no limit, assuming you're referring to the activity stream on the 'activity' page.
It might be better to create a separate idea for the excel idea. Why excel anyway?
An error occurred while saving the comment Here's a sneak peek of the new activity stream:
An error occurred while saving the comment A new build with a better activity stream, on its own page, is going into beta on Tuesday and will be released probably on the 19th July.
It doesn't have the specific log you mentioned though... Simply 'installed art from [url]'. It would be fairly easy to add that log. What are the important logging messages you would like?
9 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment A clarification: the genres that are suggested/filled in by bliss do not come from AllMusic. They come from MusicBrainz and (hopefully soon) possibly Discogs and Wikipedia too.
Mood and style could certainly be populated from AllMusic, but it would require a relationship being built between bliss and AllMusic - their data is not freely available.
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Hopefully the new activity view is a step in the right direction: (likely release on 19th July)
When bliss finds art it says so and lists the source there. There's no feature to filter just by found art yet, though. In general, maybe the filter could initially be 'bliss automated actions' and it will show all things bliss has done automatically.
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment It could also be a separate rule... store track numbers bare or store with track totals.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment I understand you came via the ReadyNAS add-on. I like to think the website is clear, but if you come via the add-on you might not see this. I'll speak to the developer of the add-on about it.
Sorry for wasting your time.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Ok, I'll take a look into this. Note that multiple artwork in a folder is not currently supported, see
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Jonathan: I just tried this myself, and it worked for me. bliss just chose the first number. Could you send me an example file that bliss has trouble with? I can send you a Dropbox folder to upload to if required.
An error occurred while saving the comment Hi Jonathan, I'll take a look at this behaviour in a few days.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Do you mean information is pulled in from the Internet and updated automatically?
You might want to take a look at MusicDNA which does this I think.
7 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment A fair point. Currently bliss kinda 'gives up' as soon as it sees there's no album title. It could be a lot more descriptive.
Looking further ahead, the cover art rule could be 'dependent' on the auto-tagging rule, such that bliss provides the ability to fill in tags automatically and manually, and then run the cover art rule as a result.
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment The changes to the grid view have been released, so you can see the size for all art by clicking the 'why?' link from compliance.
To recap, this ticket was about always seeing the art and I suggested a details/list/table view to achieve that, and this is still yet to be implemented.
An error occurred while saving the comment The behind-the-scenes work is done and the latest beta build at least shows the current size in the thumbnail view - hidden inside an expandable area explaining why each album is compliant/uncompliant.
I want to keep the thumbnail/grid view clean, so this is why the size is hidden. For the list view discussed here, I'll make it so you can see the size all the time without having to reveal anything.
The changes to the grid view should be released next weekend, hopefully.
An error occurred while saving the comment I've been doing some behind-the-scenes work on this over the past couple of weeks, to at least make the current art size available. Next, what will probably happen is that I will add in the ability to view the art size in the current thumbnail layout first, then add in the list layout.
An error occurred while saving the comment It sounds like, in general, you'd want a way of looking at the details of all of your art together and 'at a glance'.
Maybe an analogy is with file explorers? For instance, with file explorers you have thumbnail views and detail views (and lots of others). Currently we have the thumbnail view, but a detail view would include the size of the current art.
It feels like that table view approach would work, plus sortable columns would be nice too. Making work for myself here :(
An error occurred while saving the comment Would a tooltip suffice, or something that displayed when you rolled over the image? I want to keep the overview page as uncluttered as possible.
Maybe if I changed the page you get when you click through on the image to be a current status style page? Currently it just shows the image. (The workaround is to right click on the image there - most browsers will tell you the image size).
Thanks. There are at least two ideas related to sharing artwork between albums. If it's ok with you, I'll try to think of a way to merge them together. This makes it more likely something will get done, because their votes will be merged too, and votes means code gets written ;-)
I wonder if, generically, sharing artwork between albums is a desired feature? Artwork for albums with a similar name could appear in the "change art" page.