Better log output.
Right now there isn't really any way to tell what is going on... Why not print messages to somewhere like "Embedded artwork from X into Y files of Z album"?

@Costantino Currently there is no limit, assuming you're referring to the activity stream on the 'activity' page.
It might be better to create a separate idea for the excel idea. Why excel anyway?
Costantino commented
Hi, it qould be great having bliss being able to export log data to a excel file once reached out a number of "data log lines"
Here's a sneak peek of the new activity stream:
A new build with a better activity stream, on its own page, is going into beta on Tuesday and will be released probably on the 19th July.
It doesn't have the specific log you mentioned though... Simply 'installed art from [url]'. It would be fairly easy to add that log. What are the important logging messages you would like?