Provide support for film soundtracks.
To give an example of a Bollywood release, lets take an example of a movie called Dostana ( ) Each song in the release can be sung by a different artist.This is where i beleive the problem starts.I see multiple albums on Bliss with different album artist names below. To resolve the issue i erase all the info of Artist(s) from the file, and then it recognizes the release as one album.

I had another thought as to why Dostana was not found....
Discogs has something resembling the art too - and MusicBrainz has (are these good enough?).
The trouble is that to improve quality on a number of the searches we explicitly filter out anything other than music albums.
There are three things to do here, I think:
- Don't filter out releases on MusicBrainz and Discogs
- In Wikipedia try a search for a film, without album artist
- Improvements to how artists are chosen (for your example it should query with 'various'