Better quality album art...
I end up manually updating my album art, as the quality is not good enough. I always select a resolution of 500x500, but sometimes album art is the correct resolution but very compressed and poor quality. I end up doing a manual search on google images for 500x500 artwork and find a much better quality image. Is there any way Bliss can look at compression or file size and choose better quality images automatically? Maybe extra sources for album art would help, if this is possible.
Yes, it might be a possibility. bliss could certainly look at the file size and prefer larger art if required. No sure about the compression, but again it's a possibility.
The art that is brought back is generally whatever is found first on MusicBrainz/Wikipedia/Discogs. Sometimes there is better art elsewhere, or for a slightly different release (which I guess you are finding automatically).
I'd love a tie in with AAX ( ) whose art is great, but I've never been able to convince the site's admin it would be useful to AAX users.