AdminDan Gravell
(Founder and programmer, bliss)
My feedback
499 results found
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment -
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment This is good feedback. I implemented it the way it is now to reduce clutter. This doesn't help experienced users though who know their way around and just want to get on with their work...
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment A long time ago this was how albums were added to the album view, although the newest was added first, which would just cause the same problem ;-)
Would another way be for the screen not to update when the mouse cursor is hovering (maybe add a 'albums have been added' message like Twitter search instead?)
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Those interested in this idea may also like to take a look at
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment How much does this rule help: ? This, however, only sets the track artist tag, not album artist.
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Looking at this again, maybe you mean an album is split in the bliss interface, perhaps with separate artists for each entry? If so maybe this means you'd like a way to re-apply the same art... is this the same as ?
An error occurred while saving the comment There's actually a known bug in the current version where the upload/provide URL feature doesn't show the new art until the album is rescanned. Could this be what you are seeing?
This is fixed and will be released in a little over a week's time.
Regarding the Google search, this is kinda down to the vagaries of Google. We just use the result that Google gives. If this is for the same album (where "album" means something with the same name and artist name), then there's little we can do. Also see for control of the query that gets sent to Google.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment "The vast majority of these albums have one or two tracks that are uncompliant because the file name does not exactly match the tags and in most cases it is because the tag contains a character such as "\" which is invalid in a file name"
I wonder if we could do something there. Consider a track title:
How Soon Is Now?
Question marks are disallowed in file paths like slashes. The disallowed characters are:
/, \, ?, :, *, >, <, |, "
Currently the disallowed chars are simply removed from the expected filename, meaning bliss would expect:
How Soon Is Now.mp3
We could either accept no character, or maybe any one character, e.g.
How Soon Is Now_.mp3
Is an approach I've seen other music tools take.
Would this fix your case? I have a concern that while the depth approach would certainly work for you, it would work *too* much, leaving your track names not regulated properly.
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Not sure if this is of interest but there is a new feature just gone into beta which detects common misspellings, acronyms and suchlike using MusicBrainz and suggests changes to adopt the 'canonical' artist.
This is not really the same thing as you are suggesting... which is more related to releases released under different names, but I thought you might find it of interest.
An error occurred while saving the comment Hey. There's actually a new feature in file organisation patterns released next week that should fix the second part of your idea. See
For "always use meta artist even if single alias found" disabled you'd be able to do:
<album artist><meta_artist>?| - <meta_artist>|/...
<album artist> - <meta_artist>/...... as before.
An error occurred while saving the comment Yep - your idea is easily understandable. I've also noticed this on Discogs.
It's a shame that there is not an obvious way to tag meta artists, because it's not just file organisation that benefits from it. If you are using a music player and navigating by tags you may also want this. At a push, you could use the 'CONTENTGROUP' (or TIT1, @grp) tag to group these.
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Yes, going forward I'd like a way to link a given album to a release on MusicBrainz, Discogs or some other source.
Shorter term, is this just for finding album art?
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment The interesting thing about classical is that while you have the concept of a 'release' of music the actual works themselves may have been composed at different times. Therefore another option would be to tag the works individually with release dates for when the works were composed.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Hi, the file formats supported are listed here:
bliss uses an API called JAudioTagger to read tags within music files. It might be easiest to just add support to JAT for Musepack. Looks like APE tags are used inside Musepack files.
Also see which I was thinking about as an alternative to acoustic fingerprinting, but could also be used without actually performing the tagging of files.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Ok - you need a way in the UI of excluding albums from a scan. There is a way of stopping this at the file system level, before bliss rescans a directory, see . However, that only works before the album is recognised. Once recognised and inside bliss's database it will be rescanned anyway.
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Hmmmm, I wonder if an easy fix for this right now is that 'albums', which are currently only differentiated by name/artist name, could also add a disc number into the mix. This would represent them separately on the UI.
That said, I don't think the application of art could be done automatically with any reliability. From memory there's no differentiation of artwork to media number on MusicBrainz et al.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Hi, thanks for the feedback.
Are you using MP4 files (m4a, m4p etc)? This is a problem with these files, wherever the 'picture type' of the art is not set. You can add multiple pieces of artwork to music files and label them as front cover, back cover, insert etc with the 'picture type'. bliss tries to be a good citizen and only overwrite 'front cover' as it's feasible you may have stored extra pieces of art.
Unfortunately other software (iTunes is one) doesn't bother with the picture type so bliss has no way of knowing whether it can overwrite the existing art. Instead, bliss adds the new art, rather than replace it, but adds it *before* the old art, making it more likely the bliss added art will show up when your music player shows the file.
There is a secret way of telling bliss to enforce one piece of art per file (contact me by email to learn of this). When I implement this idea, I'll enable that way in the UI. Something as simple as adding an "Embed art where possible, one artwork per file" option to the embed artwork dropdown would suffice I think.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment You mean in the change art screen? Sure, sounds a good idea. Maybe it could be in parentheses: e.g. 300x300 (17KB)
Btw, a workaround is to right click the image, save and check the filesize, but obviously that's a pain in the neck.
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment What's the standard way of doing this when the app is a download? The best possible solution would be incorporation in a .deb repository, but not sure on the situation with that given licencing.
One place to start maybe the vortexbox start scripts that I/Andrew Gillis wrote. You will probably have to alter them for your system...
(apols for lack of formatting)
# chkconfig: 345 91 50
# description: Starts and stops the bliss
# pidfile: /opt/ps3mediaserver/ Source function library.
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions# Avoid using root's TMPDIR
unset TMPDIR# Source networking configuration.
. /etc/sysconfig/network# Check that networking is up.
[ ${NETWORKING} = "no" ] && exit 1start() {
# Check if it is already running
echo -n $"Starting bliss daemon: "
if [ ! `pgrep -f /opt/bliss/bin/` ]; then
daemon daemonize /opt/bliss/bin/
status bliss
return $RETVAL}
stop() {
echo -n $"Stopping bliss daemon: "
for i in `pgrep -f /opt/bliss/bin/`
kill $i
restart() {
sleep 1
}checkstatus() {
if [ ! `pgrep -f /opt/bliss/bin/` ]; then
echo -n $"bliss is stopped"
echo "bliss (pid `pgrep -f /opt/bliss/bin/`) is running..."
}case "$1" in
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
exit 2
exit $?
</pre> -
3 votes
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Yeah, this is an interesting setup and I think this is within what you might call "music library automation". bliss is quite a way from being able to do this, in full, with an iTunes library, but I'll leave this idea anyway because it's interesting.
How are the individual music libraries connected? Can the master server 'mount' the remote libraries to write to their filesystems like they were local? If not, you would need software installed on all the nodes of your network, which would get more complex (and is probably further than I'd want bliss to go).
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks. This would only work when bliss is installed on the same machine as iTunes is also installed on. It would probably work alongside (and not be implemented before) greater iTunes integrations e.g.
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Yes, it might be a possibility. bliss could certainly look at the file size and prefer larger art if required. No sure about the compression, but again it's a possibility.
The art that is brought back is generally whatever is found first on MusicBrainz/Wikipedia/Discogs. Sometimes there is better art elsewhere, or for a slightly different release (which I guess you are finding automatically).
I'd love a tie in with AAX ( ) whose art is great, but I've never been able to convince the site's admin it would be useful to AAX users.
The breakage of playlists is a plain bug really... I think it should be fixed (those interested can vote for ).
About playlist creation... I think this would dovetail nicely with however my general philosophy is that the 'concepts' in bliss should have a strong relationship with what is on disk for your music player to play. So, bliss should work with existing playlists.