Option to choose that new art uploaded replaces existing art rather than adds to it.
Hi, thanks for the feedback.
Are you using MP4 files (m4a, m4p etc)? This is a problem with these files, wherever the 'picture type' of the art is not set. You can add multiple pieces of artwork to music files and label them as front cover, back cover, insert etc with the 'picture type'. bliss tries to be a good citizen and only overwrite 'front cover' as it's feasible you may have stored extra pieces of art.
Unfortunately other software (iTunes is one) doesn't bother with the picture type so bliss has no way of knowing whether it can overwrite the existing art. Instead, bliss adds the new art, rather than replace it, but adds it *before* the old art, making it more likely the bliss added art will show up when your music player shows the file.
There is a secret way of telling bliss to enforce one piece of art per file (contact me by email to learn of this). When I implement this idea, I'll enable that way in the UI. Something as simple as adding an "Embed art where possible, one artwork per file" option to the embed artwork dropdown would suffice I think.