Ability to exclude files fron being scanned at all
Having spent many hours tidying up metadata and artwork it's really tedious to have Bliss rescan everything. Classic example is with artwork - many files have incorrect artwork (mostly classical) but of course Bliss will report these as Compliant (as artwork exists) but those that are OK I need to exclude from the scan to leave me just the ones I need to change. I suppose this is a tricky one as it would presumably mean adding a field to file itself that said 'exclude from Bliss' (and could be removed if needed).
Ok - you need a way in the UI of excluding albums from a scan. There is a way of stopping this at the file system level, before bliss rescans a directory, see http://www.blisshq.com/music-library-management-blog/2011/08/16/new-release-20110809/ . However, that only works before the album is recognised. Once recognised and inside bliss's database it will be rescanned anyway.