AdminDan Gravell
(Founder and programmer, bliss)
My feedback
499 results found
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment If you see "Unknown" this means bliss was unable to assess the compliance of the album given your rules. This is normally some sort of bug - please email us at and include a debug archive ("Help" > "Download debug archive") and which album is affected (or a few of them if many).
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Just a note, in an upcoming release we're adding more feedback to the fix-all activity to show how far the list of fixed items bliss has got.
An error occurred while saving the comment Something like this would be good.
Note though that a simple % indicator is hard because bliss works by immediately scanning what folders have been found, and also rescans changing folders. As a result, we don't know when the end will come.
We could change this to perform a scan, then only work on the results of the scan.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks. As a workaround you can search the blog using Google like this:
wav tagging
Replace "wav tagging" with whatever search you want.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Sounds like a good idea!
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment @William Yes, there's also
An error occurred while saving the comment Grant, did you make this change to ?
An error occurred while saving the comment No, it's stored in ~/.java .
An error occurred while saving the comment I'll try and get Grant to comment, but licence information is held encrypted on the home folder for the user running bliss. If this could be mapped to the Docker host this could work across restarts.
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment The same thing happens for me, but if you refresh the page you should see the count has increased.
AdminDan Gravell (Founder and programmer, bliss) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks, currently all file movements are relative to the root music folder path. But what you're suggesting is valid (of course, in the case where music files are in different folders, this won't help bring them back together).
I clarified the title to describe the feature more generally.
11 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Note that this is now possible (although not very user friendly - you have to edit configuration files):
An error occurred while saving the comment I merged the following idea from Bo Herrmannsen into this one:
again not sure if it has been suggested but could be nice to have rules depending on what type of album i have....
All my artist albums have the artist in album artist while my complications have the album artist field empty
now for complications i want my folder structure: Album name/tracknumber. trackartist - tracktitle
while an bryan adams album should be: Bryan Adams - XXXX /tracknumber. track title
in itunes everything is set to complication so that it sorts the stuff right
---An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks for that. I actually split the auto tagging out into a separate idea: . I hope this is ok.
22 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Note that this is now possible, although not user friendly as it hasn't been added to the UI:
An error occurred while saving the comment Yep, thanks for that.
I'm actually thinking your case could work with and the ability to define different rule sets for different directories.
An error occurred while saving the comment Sure, I'll add that to the list.
An error occurred while saving the comment Yeah - we could also add support for a separate pattern for compilations which seems to be common for a lot of people.
16 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment @Yves That's an interesting development of "duplicates" because it implies some level of duplication is permitted.
AdminDan Gravell (Founder and programmer, bliss) supported this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Yeah - that's one way. In extreme cases (I always think in extreme cases ;-) ) there are also artists who, canonically, capitalise their names in weird ways that a regex cannot predict. Therefor some form on online lookup would be required.
It's always a balance between canonically-correct and what-the-listener-wants...
An error occurred while saving the comment Nice - this needs to work alongside the capitalisation rules in some way.
4 votes
AdminDan Gravell (Founder and programmer, bliss) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Yes, I've noticed this with a number of classical artists in particular.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Ok, thanks for the explanation.
This sounds like a mixture of different things.
If we had rulesets ( - these are implemented for ignoring rules but the capability hasn't been made more general yet - you could have a rule for Christmas music (e.g. GENRE="Christmas") which had a different file path rule: "OFFLINE MUSIC/.../..."
In addition we would need a way of poking iTunes:
An error occurred while saving the comment This is going to partly depend what you mean by "in and out of my library".
Does this mean it just doesn't appear in iTunes?
Or does it mean the files get relocated to a different folder?
So it depends on what music software (and hardware) you use.
2 votes
AdminDan Gravell (Founder and programmer, bliss) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment I have spoken to the developer of Daphile before, but it's really down to him opening up the platform...
In theory it should work without a huge amount of work.
7 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment > tag every album that has the compilation tag with the same Various Artists title in the Album Artist tag.
This has been completed as part of:
As implied by my comment:
> Inferring a COMPILATION tag if the artists are different
We could use the new local album tag sourcing as a way of doing the first part.
An error occurred while saving the comment I just added correctness checking for compilation. This works in a different way to other correctness checking, in that if the setting is absent, we always look at linked releases anyway. If the linked releases say that this is definitely a compilation, a fix is suggested to change it so.
This is a different solution to that laid out above, which is more of a "derived tag" solution, so I'll keep this open as it might have been that which people have voted for.
AdminDan Gravell (Founder and programmer, bliss) shared this idea ·
46 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Just a personal note that won't mean much to anyone else - this becomes a lot easier with recent work to deduce ALBUM ARTIST from existing tags. See LocalAlbumTagSourceHeuristics...
An error occurred while saving the comment Sorry - what do you mean by "Bliss uses tags that I can't see in other tag editors"?
An error occurred while saving the comment Something that just came to mind is that, once parsed, the information from file paths could be used to perform lookups for more data for that album. Just wanted to record that thought!
An error occurred while saving the comment I'm beginning to think this would be best implemented on the Untagged page, so that albums go through a staging process of only being allowed onto the "Albums" page once they are tagged.
The disadvantage of this is that it forces you to have tags, but is that really a problem?
An error occurred while saving the comment I just realised that in a more general sense this could be used in bliss to merely identify music to the various rules, e.g. the cover art rule could use it for album and artist name information, and the art could be saved to file or embedded.
Many other rules though would make no sense to use this with, e.g. file organisation. Therefore the applicability is limited.
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks for this. Overall, I'd prefer to go with the acoustic fingerprinting approach to tagging untagged files first. See
If that doesn't cover everything, this approach to tagging is till valid.
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment You could set up a reverse proxy on the Synology to provide authentication, e.g.
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks - so does this happen to all HTTP traffic to the NAS's IP?
An error occurred while saving the comment Hi - can you explain what you mean by "synology servers, configured with HTTPS access" - are you referring to a setting in DSM?
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment That's odd - if anything I tend to get comments that we over group!
Can you click "Help" then "Download debug archive" and send it to us at with some example album names?
The only thing I'd add is that because bliss is written for a different purpose than Plex et al (it's an organiser rather than a player) sometimes the way we present your library has to be a bit different. It might not be the case here, but in some cases Plex might go to lengths to group an album to make it easier to play, but bliss might want to show the album is split, to make it more obvious to re-organise. Hope that makes sense.
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Nice - there are probably some browser plugins that will do this for you. E.g. (for Firefox) (for Chrome).
An error occurred while saving the comment I guess an ability to "skin" the interface could be something... if you know CSS you can probably do something yourself with a browser plugin to override the CSS.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Nice idea. Some people have large folders of assorted files and may only want to tag a subset of them.
Love this idea - I often have test libraries I need to switch between.