Missing tracks in albums should be detected
Title says it all I think.
BLISS should (optionally) check if an album in a collection is complete or if it's missing songs and possibly even display the missing ones, so I know which ones to buy.
Pretty much like this beets plugin http://beets.readthedocs.io/en/v1.3.19/plugins/missing.html
@frank that can also happen when iTunes assigns different artists to different tracks - iTunes itself sees different albums, and then if you have the "organize library" option enabled it may move the files around.
frank talbert commented
I ripped in iTunes. iTunes was not my friend. Albums split into separate files for no apparent reason. Missing 1st tracks. Not classical friendly meant multi album problems.
@Thomas I'm sorry about that, but we're pretty resource constrained... obviously the more votes this gets, the more likely it is we'll polish this feature off.
Thomas Lenzen commented
This should have been done by now, this is seriously disappointing. I have already regretted the fact that I threw good money at this, but lucky for some that you can this feature and more with a great free software package ... - Shame that but I guess that is life, lots of promises.
@Jim no real progress, but an obvious place to put this now is under "album integrity" with the duplicates rule.
Jim Emerson commented
This would help immensely. I see the original post is from 2016. Has there been any progress since then? I just bought bliss yesterday, so I've got a lot to learn.
Thomas Lenzen commented
It does happens that some albums appear to be compliant even so a track is missing and sometiimes additional tracks are not recognised.
It would be great if a comparison could be made before compliance is been given. -
Ralph Martin commented
Yes, and even better, to check that tracks that are present have sane lengths.
Fred commented
Very good idea!
Consistency and completeness! https://www.blisshq.com/music-library-management-blog/2011/09/18/bliss-three-cs/
Dominik commented
Just out of curiosity: what are the other two for you?
Really like this idea, part of the three Cs - "completeness".