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155 results found
Improving the "Tags" and the"Untagged" sections :-)
My suggestions:
Untagged section :
- Adding a link to the same album in the "Tags" section to edit it manually when it returns "No suggestions found".
- Displaying the whole file path.Tags section :
- Adding the whole file path in the columns choice (will help a lot to tag manually)
- Adding a search function (tags + file path)64 votesWith the addition of search/filter on the tags page, and the whole file path being visible on the untagged page, I think this is now done from onwards.
Fix the installer. (Installing setup.exe on Win7 Pro 64-bit)
Downloaded OK. Started setup OK. Agreed the license, clicked Next, as required, and just got an egg-timer. Setup.exe didn't complete. I can give more detail and send screenshots if required. I aborted the installer and tried the main app anyway. The main app started (localhost:3220), so the installation must have hung near enough to the end. But I am not sure. The main app is not filling me with confidence that it is doing useful things.
2 votesThis was fixed in 20170209 –
How do I uninstall the program. It is taking up too much space and time and is not updating my Sonos system
2 votes -
Change the display
I really like this peace of software my only grip is the UI it goes over the display to the left, can you make it so it fits all on one display page please.
Darren UK2 votesThis was fixed a while ago when the UI was updated.
Full screen waterfall layout. Use the entire browser windows
Now a day most monitors (incl. laptops) has high resolution display. Allow Bliss to use full screen please. Better use the screen realestate. I find continue scrow down and choosing display of 96 elements annoying. Please reference type presentation. full screen with natural extension of albrums upon pull down?
Bliss' UI is functional, but really need a make over... by a graphic UI designer... Bliss UI is still a programmers' UI.
Just a sincere comments.
2 votesThis is now released:
I’ve moved to adopt more of Twitter’s Bootstrap framework in this release. This means better support for different screen resolutions, both higher and lower. See
To be able to adjust the file tags using web editor PER ALBUM.
I'm glad to see that the file tags can be adjusted using the tags menu, but the problem is that all files are listed in one big long list, making it extremely clumsy when trying to find and update a single album.
What would be best if from the album list, just click the album to show all information about the album, and allow anything to be changed, file paths, cover art, file tags, genre, etc.
In this case making it much easier to update incorrect or missing tags.
Also it would be good to be able to apply tag…12 votesThis is now supported in the album page tag editor:
Not having the compliant WHY? as hover over visibility.
When accessing the bliss page on an iPad, hover over option are not good, as you can only click on things. Selecting a not compliant title shows the why? option, but you can't click it, as releasing makes it disappear. You just need to have the Why? link available all the time for not compliant listings.
2 votesThis was fixed a while ago.
I have a problem
The installation only allows me to choose folders on PC but all my music files are stored on a network: on \Rs5server\Music.
1 votePlease see . You can use the UNC path (\\Rs5server\Music) in the music folder location field. Alternatively, ‘map’ that to a drive and use the drive.
Checking Blisshq mail server
- just tried to send a bug report / request for help but this was rejected: This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
Delivery to the following recipients failed.
--Forwarded Message Attachment--
From: <my email address>
Subject: Non-Compliant Album Link Results in "Exception occured while processing /index"
Date: Wed, 1 May 2013 12:19:55 +00001 voteThis has been resolved… that email address wasn’t accepting email attachments for a while, but it does now.
Removing folders after files move
When files are moved by file reorganisation, there are many empty folders everywhere. it become difficult to find which contains files or not.
maybe a folder whose every file have been moved could be deleted (and parent folder if nothing left in) ...20 votesThis is now complete: with a more complete list of files/folders permitted for deletion. Please report re-occurrences of this with a debug archive.
Browsing by Artist - Bug?
Hello Dan,
I love Bliss. Great job!
I have got a large number of soundtracks and compilations. Somehow the 'Albums per page view' seems to be rectricted to a maximum of 96 albums (no browsing to next page ...). If I have a look before all albums are scanned, browsing to next page works.
2 votesThis has now been fixed:
list of fixes
so i've spent £10 and Bliss has done '1000 fixes' but i have no way of seeing what those fixes are or how many fixes are required to fix the rest of my collection. How about a dry run button or something where bliss scans your collection, tells you how many fixes are required for each of your applied settings allowing the user to decide which rules if any to automatically fix
2 votesThis has been implemented in 20170321:
remember settings for "compliance is"
it is quite annoying that I have to select "compliance is: non-compliant" every time I return to the albums screen.
2 votesI’ve added “Back to list” and I consider this fixed. Clicking back to “Albums” will still reset the filter, but the new back to list and next/previous should make things easier. Also, note that after choosing new art you always now remain on the same change art page.
Add Discogs to the available databases
Add Discogs to the available databases
3 votesThis was fixed a loooooong time ago. Sorry for forgetting to update this!
ability to scan for new or changed files/folders automatically
when I add a new album to the monitored directory, I need to open bliss and press the rescan button manually. I am asking for a time interval to automatically rescan the monitored folder for new files or changes, so I don't need to open Bliss everytime to press a button.
2 votesAlready implemented.
Tag browser file order is random
At the moment the order of the files within a folder in the tag browser / editor seems to be random. This is particularly annoying when you are trying to apply changes to all the files in a large box set for example, where you will be working down the list pasting in the data you want, only to scroll back and realise that half the files have been missed because the order has changed. At the very least it should be an alphabetical list of files.
2 votesThis is now complete:
Ability to tell bliss to apply to all - the inbox
When Bliss suggests an action in the inbox, for all similar suggestions be able to tell it to apply all.
EG Genre Change from Indie -> Pop Rock all chnages of the same type would be applied.
Same for track numbers etc etc)(Currently I have 45000 to approve, TuneUp does this for me in iTunes but this is only where I keep a fraction of my music collection)
9 votes -
Provide artist name, current art and size in the cover art alternatives interface
It would be helpful if, when I'm in the screen picking cover art, I could see extended tag information and the path to the album in question. Particularly for classical, it would help to identify which recording of a particular work I was dealing with. How many different Brandenburg Concerco CDs and recorded LPs do I have? Probably a dozen - but just seeing the album title doesn't help me pick cover art.
7 votesOoops, this was completed a while ago…
Full Package for Synology NAS'
I know a manual workaround exists but would be great if this could be automated and thus optimized and fully supported by Bliss.
As a case study for understanding demand, I would point to the Hi-Drive cloud storage service which is the only cloud storage provider to officially offer a Synology package. You only have to browse their user forums to see that (I'm guessing the number) around 70% of all their userbase came from / for the Synology support.
6 votesI’m pleased to announce that this is now completed:
48 votes
This has now been launched: Release 20170919 – official @QNAP_nas support! , would love to get feedback!
- Don't see your idea?