To be able to adjust the file tags using web editor PER ALBUM.
I'm glad to see that the file tags can be adjusted using the tags menu, but the problem is that all files are listed in one big long list, making it extremely clumsy when trying to find and update a single album.
What would be best if from the album list, just click the album to show all information about the album, and allow anything to be changed, file paths, cover art, file tags, genre, etc.
In this case making it much easier to update incorrect or missing tags.
Also it would be good to be able to apply tag changes to all files in that album, rather than setting them individually.

This is now supported in the album page tag editor:
Note you can do this a little easier now using search/filter on the tags page:
Type the album name in the search box.
Regarding "it would be good to be able to apply tag changes to all files in that album" - this is what happens when you use the "Edit" button on the album page.
But I'll leave this open until we add a tags interface into the album page as requested... I still think that is useful.
I agree. I've had this to do in my list for a while. Hopefully having the idea formalised and voted for will push this higher up the aforementioned list!