Tag browser file order is random
At the moment the order of the files within a folder in the tag browser / editor seems to be random. This is particularly annoying when you are trying to apply changes to all the files in a large box set for example, where you will be working down the list pasting in the data you want, only to scroll back and realise that half the files have been missed because the order has changed. At the very least it should be an alphabetical list of files.

This is now complete: http://www.blisshq.com/music-library-management-blog/2013/05/28/new-release-20130522/
Yeah, I see what you mean.
Matt Jenkins commented
Well... Two things, but one is an effect of (or the result of) the other. The "idea" is to stop it being random, which will have the effect of stopping the order changing when you make changes. (2) is not really a bug as such - more an "artefact" of the way it works at the moment.
So two things...?
1) The order is random within a folder
2) The order changes when you make changesIs that right? (2) is a bug really.