Full screen waterfall layout. Use the entire browser windows
Now a day most monitors (incl. laptops) has high resolution display. Allow Bliss to use full screen please. Better use the screen realestate. I find continue scrow down and choosing display of 96 elements annoying. Please reference pinterest.com type presentation. full screen with natural extension of albrums upon pull down?
Bliss' UI is functional, but really need a make over... by a graphic UI designer... Bliss UI is still a programmers' UI.
Just a sincere comments.

This is now released: http://www.blisshq.com/music-library-management-blog/2013/12/03/new-release-20131126-fluid-ui/index.html
I’ve moved to adopt more of Twitter’s Bootstrap framework in this release. This means better support for different screen resolutions, both higher and lower. See https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152937559397837&set=a.10151940540687837.576228.416952817836&type=1
Sure, I'm open to that.
James commented
Fully understand.(I am a serious software engineer in my earlier days too) . It is a typical issue open source projects often faces. Namely product is designed by engineers to solve problems (functional) then usability... Let alone Bliss is not an open source project... even harder to involve contribution from more people.
Actually my wife is an expert in this area (PhD in UI/UE, a vice chairman of UXPA). But Woman tends to enjoy music careless how it comes about.....
Alternatively, It'd be great to find a customer of bliss, who has similar skills ? who can contribute based on passion for the project... maybe an open call?
Fair enough, it's mostly done by me and I'm no designer! If you know any designers that might be interested, let me know.