Change the display
I really like this peace of software my only grip is the UI it goes over the display to the left, can you make it so it fits all on one display page please.
Darren UK

This was fixed a while ago when the UI was updated.
This was a comment for the old UI, but your comments are noted.
Trouble is, I'm not a designer and I'm using a template, so I'm happier to use what the template says I should be using ;-)
Ian M commented
BUMP agree too much space used on the LH side on most pages.
1) Albums page = not too bad but could the "all fixes" area take up less room ?
2) Artist page = the folders per page 12 48 96 selection defo too much room (could go on the top line are next to TAGS
3) Untagged page = again the folders per page 12 48 96 selection too much room (could go on the top line are next to TAGS
4) Activity page = Events per page too much encroaching to thh RH side
5) Inbox page = not as detrimental but could do with less white space
6) Tags page = all correct full page width , could all pages be like this ? -
Ok, I see. Confirmed... Will fix asap.
Could you send me a screenshot please? Might need to be via email if this forum doesn't allow attachments.