Ian M
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Ian M supported this idea ·
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6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Ian M commented
Hi Dan, Tree maps a bit heavy for my reading , perhaps not enough time to understand. But if it you think it would work / help then yes by all means. Now perhaps related to this or not I am finding an issue that Bliss will find a Genre that is not sentance case as my genre rule. e.g it finds "Hard Rock" as not sentance case and makes the suggestion to set to "Hard rock".(lower case r) On cliclking the fix button it says Success but it remains as "Hard Rock". (capital R) The same is is "R&B" will not set to "R&b" but if I change to "R & b" with spaces then this works. But not "Hard Rock" even editing the album genre to Hard rock it says success but remain as "Hard Rock" Any thoughst please?
Ian M shared this idea ·
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Ian M shared this idea ·
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Ian M commented
Hi Dan,
Indeed regex great for those who want to delve deeper but would think more users would prefer an easier find & replace function. Please dont give up on the idea.Kind regards
IanIan M shared this idea ·
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Ian M shared this idea ·
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An error occurred while saving the comment Ian M commented
1) Yep pop up certainly not clearing
2) could be that bliss already doing something as finding if already changed a track within an album/folder then wanting to change another track within that album/folder then get an error.Cheers Ian
Ian M shared this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Ian M commented
Hi Dan
So ref the dual genre idea.
Admit I dont know the full repercushions or the best way to go about it, however
Have a "readonly suggested genre" next to an "editable genre" tag/field so the user can see both at once.
1) On first run Bliss goes out on line & finds the best genre for the file. (as currently)
2) This genre is then copied into the both genres areas
3) Bliss then tags the file according to the "custom genre"
4) The end user can now edit the "custom genre" to a more apt built in recognised genre as required. (Bliss will stop a null value been entered here)
5) Bliss now sets the tag according to the "custom genre"
This dual "custom genre" tag would be seen & editable on any pages where the current genre can be edited.
a) Somehow stop the custom tag from been over written when already populated either on subsequant scans or when manually changed by the user. A lock/unlock radio button or reset that copies the readonly back over all "custom genres"b) Dont know if the "read only genre" to save any confusion should be shown as "suggested genre"
Hope this explains it betterRgds Ian
An error occurred while saving the comment Ian M commented
Hi Dan,
Just revisitting this again and What I was thinking is that rather than having an auto button for genre on the albums page is have a dual one. So if there was a genre set by the user but bliss found a possible more apt genre then alow the user to see both and make a choice between the x2. e.g a track was set by the user to "heavy rock" but bliss thinks it is "heavy metal" then have a LH & RH fix button to show the x2 genres & pending which genre is clicked then this is set..... Just an idea to possibly help quickly see what may of been previously entered by the user.Ian M shared this idea ·
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Ian M shared this idea ·
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Ian M commented
Under tags have a column that states done, this can be manually tagged or auto set once all criteria has been met/fixed.. But would unset as soon as settings are changed or a rescan is implemented.
On the main pages have a radio button that states "hide completed"
Would this work ?
Regards Ian
Ian M supported this idea ·
67 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Ian M commented
To throw something else into the mix & don't know how practical or easy this would be to implement, what about :
An extra column on the tag page called "custom genre"
This custom genre column is initially auto populated from the "original genre" that is found online.
Original Genre now becomes NON editable but custom genre is editable
The file is set to what ever is in the "Custom genre" column.
A new search & replace function is created just for the "custom genre" column to help with changing many files at once, so files genres are updated accordingly (otherwise mega typing)
On the settings page there is a button to reset all genres in the "custom genre" column back to "original genre" found, if required.
Thoughts on a post card
regards IanIan M supported this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Ian M commented
Ok thanks for reply, something I was hoping to make overall more user friendly.
Regex rules something I don't believe most people would even begin to delve into.
Is there library of rules that people can share to add to Bliss?If not an idea to have one maybe. The actual regex file and brief description with an example of what it does.
Rgds Ian
Ian M shared this idea ·
6 votes
Ian M supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Ian M commented
Indeed multiple selection so can paste down on any column.
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Ian M commented
Rather than just the activity page showing this would it be possible to only auto move the files to another directory e.g. BLISSCOMPLIANT once all settings have been complied with. Therefore knowing that these require no more changes & can be moved back into another directory ready for re indexing by the player.
Rgds Ian M
1 vote
Ian M shared this idea ·
17 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Ian M commented
Indeed a royal pain when trying to manually tag and swap between pages.
any chance of implementing this Dan.Ian M supported this idea ·
3 votes
Ian M supported this idea ·
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Ian M shared this idea ·
25 votes
Ian M supported this idea ·
8 votes
Ian M shared this idea ·
Like others I would like Bliss to be able to fingerprint & add album art to single tracks, however I do not move files into a singles folder directly but instead move tracks based on the following <genre name>/<album artist>-<album name>/<track artist>-<track name>-<year>-<genre name>
Albeit splitting albums according to track genre. (Just my way of cataloging my music for listening purposes.) Yes appreciate this may induce more single tracks and exasperate my single tracks but I would still like singles tagged either as an album or single with album art applied if possible.