Handle folders containing Singles
I have a main folder called "Full Albums" which contains the folder structures defines in my rules. I also have a number of folders like "Various - 00s", "Various - 90s" etc. Each of this folders contains lots of individual mp3 singles, each mp3 has it's own genre, year and file naming convention (without track numbers).
The only way I could think of doing this is allowing multiple music folders, and allowing us to setup rulesets for a each folder (or group of folders).

I think there are two cases of this:
- Handle tracks that are single tracks (*not* single releases) - these may or may not have album tags
- Handle individual tracks as part of an album, or more generally subsets of albums, better, so they are more likely to match to linked releases (right now the certainty is lower for subsets, especially individual tracks)I think these should be implemented separately, as two separate pieces of work.
Ok. In theory that should work for a small number of singles - in the same way you can have one folder of multiple full albums. However, this wouldn't scale to 4000 tracks at the moment.
Anonymous commented
Even if I have full singles, and not just an individual song off, say, a 2 or 4 track EP, they're all still kept loose in one folder and not in individual folders.
Just want to add a clarification here (for anyone reading)...
When it is said bliss is "album" oriented, what is meant is that it is "release" oriented.
If you have complete single releases, they should work just as well as albums. For example, if you have the A side, B side and other tracks, and they are in their own folder together.
It's more "odd tracks" that are the problem, and what is meant by "Singles" in the title. But I can understand the motivation.
Anonymous commented
I'm a DJ. I buy individual tracks, not albums. I have one folder with about 4000 tracks in it. I don't do albums, yet this is the only way Bliss seems to work.
Ian M commented
Like others I would like Bliss to be able to fingerprint & add album art to single tracks, however I do not move files into a singles folder directly but instead move tracks based on the following <genre name>/<album artist>-<album name>/<track artist>-<track name>-<year>-<genre name>
Albeit splitting albums according to track genre. (Just my way of cataloging my music for listening purposes.) Yes appreciate this may induce more single tracks and exasperate my single tracks but I would still like singles tagged either as an album or single with album art applied if possible.
Mitch commented
I am in a similar situation and struggle with the fact that bliss is too "album-focused". I buy singles from many sources and would like those all to be organized by genre or purchase source.
Max, maybe see http://ideas.blisshq.com/forums/21939-bliss/suggestions/3758349-add-logic-to-conditionally-use-tags-in-filename also?
Do you have tags that dictate whether a given release is a single, compilation or album? There's such as thing as a COMPILATION tag but no well agreed "single" tag or similar. I ask because it may not always be possible to look the data up - it may be missing for more exotic releases.
maxtrotter commented
Whilst testing Bliss I had a folder structure of;
After using the current auto rename and move - (BTW - before reading instructions) - the outcome was, well what can you expect if you don't RTFM.To get an acceptable automated result from my current folder structure, Bliss would need to do the following.
1. identify whether it is an album or single (if single follow my rule set)
2. if album is it a [various | Artist] compilation (follow compilation rules)
3.Bliss normal service returns
4.Run the Auto rename and move (an example of what would happen to singles,compilations and album, might be a nice feature) -
kraymer commented
Yes I'd like to be able to use bliss cover art finder for all my singles (whose 'album' tag == '')
Yes, I suppose there's a few ways of cutting this particular cake. Different libraries with different rules is one. Specifying certain directories are ignored for the file org is another.
I kinda like your original idea though. Seems quite powerful.