AdminDan Gravell
(Founder and programmer, bliss)
My feedback
499 results found
1 vote
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2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Yes - I think currently a custom tag might be shown, but all custom tags may be combined into one cell. E.g. a TXXX field.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Makes sense - I can see how that would be useful for playback. I'm a bit surprised there's such a need for organisation of music, but life's full of surprises :-)
An error occurred while saving the comment Sounds nice, but quite complicated! Do you actually have a need for this? In most families I find there's one person responsible for organising the music, but maybe this isn't a family group?
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment This sounds a bit like some ideas I've had around "post actions" - something done to music when compliance is assessed. It could be moving files... but it could also be telling a music player about the change (for example).
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Not sure if it helps as a workaround, but the rules are stored in files with the name "settings". If you have just one set of rules, it's just "settings". This should be in:
Windows: C:\Users\[username]\.bliss
macOS: /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/bliss
Linux: /home/[username]/.blissSounds like you almost want to save groups of rules, and be able to switch between them?
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment I think this is actually a bug. I'll look into it.
An error occurred while saving the comment Yeah, this is confusing. It should be a red X or a green tick. I'll watch out for this.
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Do you mean on a per-album basis?
If you mean globally for all albums, why not just remove from the settings page - is it basically a quicker way of doing that what you want?
67 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment @Pete Yes, I don't think we can do that right now - it's the wipe-then-fallback-to-original that we are missing.
What if it worked from the point of view of genres first - you could think of it as a table of genres, and then if you update that genre, all albums with that genre would be updated? That way you can change to the consolidated list of genres. It assumes that all albums for a genre want to have their genre changed in the same way.
An error occurred while saving the comment I don't understand why the custom genre column would be needed?
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks. Internal to bliss there is a genre tree. It's here -> . When bliss encounters a genre not in the allowed list, it looks in the genre tree and looks up, parent by parent, until it encounters an allowed genre and suggests that.
Currently this tree is fixed, static.
For your case, this would imply Jazz parenting "Stride Piano" etc. It would also suggest a way of editing the tree itself as part of the configuration... or maybe simple "parent of" relationships between genres can be stored and shared by bliss users to make the genre tree both more accurate and more complete.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks Bob. What sort of scenario are we talking about here - where there are no track names?
Take a look at
And in a similar area:
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment I initially thought I would have to merge this idea elsewhere because people have asked me about it so much by email etc... but it turns out it isn't on the ideas forum yet!
Here's one which is close, but I want to keep the ideas separate because they have different intents:
Also see which has some overlap.
This idea would qualify under a broad idea I've had called "post actions" which means: once an album matches a given state (say: it is compliant) then perform some action.
Ideally, to improve maintenance, these actions would be derived from the potential rules encoded in bliss. I've also thought about making these actions available on a manual invocation basis for each album (e.g. just an action on the album page to change the capitalisation of tracks, or whatever), but that's another subject!
30 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment @Markus do you mean if you have nested directories? E.g.
All Things Must Pass/
- Disc 1/
- Track 1.flac
- Track 2.flac
- Disc 2/
- Track 1.flac
- Track 2.flac
- cover.jpgYou're referring to "cover.jpg"?
An error occurred while saving the comment The URL that you would need to paste would have to be the direct one to the image. You can find it by clicking an image on the album overview. For example: http://localhost:3220/thumbnail/LCD+Soundsystem/This+Is+Happening/?1330939691913
An error occurred while saving the comment Yeah, good point. This is something I have wondered about before, briefly. It would be very useful for those multi disc albums as you say.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment This seems a common request for DJs inparticular.
Did you see:
- they cover similar ground?
I assume you mean "singles" as an individual track rather than an actual single release (which often, although not always, contain other tracks). In that case, "album" is synonymous with "single" - what it really means is "release".
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment What appears to be happening here is some confusion around what is denoted the "album artist" for the album.
We choose the album artist based on:
- The ARTIST tag
- The location of the files (which act as a grouping indicator - the file/folder names are not used)If "Various" is chosen at any point, this normally means the album was combined for some reason - is it a compilation, or are the files in the same folder?
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks - what do you mean by music "assignment"? Do you mean lookup so that Plex can find information about music?
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks for this.
This can already be done with the file organisation rule if the \ImportMusic folder is in the same root as the music folder.
If it's important that \ImportMusic is separate, then would work, with the proviso that the "target" isn't being analysed.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Could you use the ARTISTSORT field for this: ?
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment So are you suggesting interpreting release information from folder and file paths?
I guess you could come up with heuristics for this, but I'd be a bit wary about it.
It shouldn't really take _that_ long to just read these files, although I agree writing data can be slow. I'm not showing much empathy here, so maybe I misunderstand just how high a speed you require!
15 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment I think there are two cases of this:
- Handle tracks that are single tracks (*not* single releases) - these may or may not have album tags
- Handle individual tracks as part of an album, or more generally subsets of albums, better, so they are more likely to match to linked releases (right now the certainty is lower for subsets, especially individual tracks)I think these should be implemented separately, as two separate pieces of work.
An error occurred while saving the comment Ok. In theory that should work for a small number of singles - in the same way you can have one folder of multiple full albums. However, this wouldn't scale to 4000 tracks at the moment.
An error occurred while saving the comment Just want to add a clarification here (for anyone reading)...
When it is said bliss is "album" oriented, what is meant is that it is "release" oriented.
If you have complete single releases, they should work just as well as albums. For example, if you have the A side, B side and other tracks, and they are in their own folder together.
It's more "odd tracks" that are the problem, and what is meant by "Singles" in the title. But I can understand the motivation.
An error occurred while saving the comment Max, maybe see also?
Do you have tags that dictate whether a given release is a single, compilation or album? There's such as thing as a COMPILATION tag but no well agreed "single" tag or similar. I ask because it may not always be possible to look the data up - it may be missing for more exotic releases.
An error occurred while saving the comment Yes, I suppose there's a few ways of cutting this particular cake. Different libraries with different rules is one. Specifying certain directories are ignored for the file org is another.
I kinda like your original idea though. Seems quite powerful.
16 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks @Christopher . Those are some good heuristics to add to the list.
An error occurred while saving the comment -
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Ok - but just to confirm: any slowness on those sites shouldn't affect bliss, because although we source the same data, it's served from our own database and servers.
An error occurred while saving the comment Another alternative is to do this at the linked releases level - i.e. only link releases from MusicBrainz, Discogs etc.
An error occurred while saving the comment Why, is one database providing data you are not happy with?
The untagged page *will* use external data. It uses fingerprinting to identify the music, and provide metadata. Assuming the fingerprints are found in the database of course!
But the other issue - where existing tags aren't shown - is an issue. Co-incidentally I added this to the bug tracker the other day. I've linked this page with it so I can update this when we fix it.