Folder option lets record information in completly different folder (not subfolder)
I like having my "unprocessed" files in a location and once everything is 100% OK, have it in another fodler.
Trying to configure bliss in path configuration to record processed files to a completly different location (i.e. 00_Processed) but only does this creating a subfodler inside each "auto" folder it analyses.
I would love to be able for bliss to analyse 4 folders automatically, and when identified everything, movethem to a "00_Processed" main folder (not one inside eacho folder).
Right now, what I do is record everything in the subfolder 00_Processed (thus the "00" so it should appear first folder in the directory :-)) and move it to a processed folder.
Hope the idea helps!

I initially thought I would have to merge this idea elsewhere because people have asked me about it so much by email etc... but it turns out it isn't on the ideas forum yet!
Here's one which is close, but I want to keep the ideas separate because they have different intents:
Also see which has some overlap.
This idea would qualify under a broad idea I've had called "post actions" which means: once an album matches a given state (say: it is compliant) then perform some action.
Ideally, to improve maintenance, these actions would be derived from the potential rules encoded in bliss. I've also thought about making these actions available on a manual invocation basis for each album (e.g. just an action on the album page to change the capitalisation of tracks, or whatever), but that's another subject!
(Edited by admin)