Allow alternative capitalization rules for album and track to accommodate foreign language titles.
For example, in French, there are three sets of capitalization rules that are generally acceptable for titles (see for specifics). So "Au moment d'être à vous" is correct capitalization for a French language album or track name.
There are a several ways this could be done. One is to allow the user to select his/her own capitalization rules from a tick list of allowable rule sets. Another would be to allow the user to define his/her rules in a way similar to how file path/names can be defined now. A third way might be to detect non-English patterns in the album title and track names (such as the presence of accented characters or common foreign language words) and either apply an appropriate rule or simply override the English capitalization rules for that album.

@ivan this idea should cover ignoring elements of compliance:
Anonymous commented
And to add another thought:
German has a quite different capitalization. Thus the current rule set for capitalization is of very limited use for German (& Austrian & Swiss) songs and albums.
Maybe a convenient idea to start with could be a simple check box at each album to turn off capitalization rules on a per album basis.
Or maybe a simple dictionary for names of artists.
Currently it is somewhat annoying that bliss is nagging again and again about the very same albums regarding 'wrong' capitalization. And you cannot use automatic fixes that much as bliss would destroy your collection of 'foreign' albums. -
Len commented
This is a minefield. Not only are the rules for which words should be capitalised dependent on local conventions but the actual capital to be used is language/country specific - for example French French doesn't generally leave accents on when capitalising (except in some special circumstances) but Canadian French does. If you don't want to spend the rest of your life fixing bugs for pedants I suggest a few standard rules plus the ability to manually override would be sufficient. Attempting to autodetect dependent on characters present is bound to fail on short samples like song titles.
Jon commented
:-) I'd be happy with Western European languages . . . But customization would certainly offer flexibility.
Thanks, this is very interesting! Makes me feel like allowing customisation is inevitable. I'm not sure on standard capitalisation in Swahili...