allow a picklist when genre is wrong
Reprise is not an allowable genre Allow genre: 'Reprise'
It would be nice if the system gave me the allowed genre's so that I could pick the correct one off a list. As it is, you can't change it at all, and have to use a tagging program.

Current work in progress screenie of the album detail page:
Matt Jenkins commented
It'll have to wait until this idea is closed, so I can release a vote. All mine are spread around thinly - so many good ideas, so few votes ;)
Sounds like good ideas Matt, although note that I'll close this idea when the picklist is released so post them as separate ideas if you don't want them lost...
Matt Jenkins commented
Other ideas you might like to add to this: Recapitalisation - if the genre is set to "Heavy metal", but the allowable genre is "Heavy Metal", don't complain about it, just rename it to Heavy Metal. Also, maybe think about something like "soundex" for matching of genres to find a good close match to suggest.
@Rico please add multi genre support as a separate idea...
Rico commented
Looking forward to it!
One request if I may, please support multiple genre tags. Makes life a lot easier with large album libraries. -
Currently working on this. I think I'm going to change the entire album detail page to work more in an 'edit/view' mode, where you click 'edit', change the values, then 'save'. The additional dropdown was just making things more complex for the pure inline approach.
Anonymous commented
Yup. I'd like this option, too.
Adam commented
I would also like this option. An additional suggested enhancement would be if Bliss could find and suggest the genre based on the artist, preferably from how it is tagged in the users collection. If that's not easy or possible, then suggest from an online database. I know that artists do make music that falls into several genres but at least it would give a quick default.
Mats Larssen commented
I would also dearly like to be able to pick a genre of the list of allowed genres that I made. It's not possible to remember them all (I have 30-something allowed genres, mainly 'cause of a need for specifying various classical genres) and to have a list or something would be a huge help. At least it would be nice if I could export the list of allowed genres I've made.
Thanks Noel. Is bliss suggesting a genre that is not in your permitted list? That's a bug. Could you click 'Help' then 'Download debug archive' and send the result to me ( Also, let me know some example albums where this is happening.
For the drop-down idea, please vote for
I merged in 'replace function for genre' with the description:
rather than "allow ..." i would like a "change to: <already existing genre>" function
Vincent commented
I would love to have the allowable genre list available as I struggle to remember did I make it Pop/Rock Pop Rock or Rock-Pop, etc When you have Pop-Rock and it should be Pop/Rock you get this as an option. When it is unset you get no choice, having the list would make it a quicker selection. Or remove the offered selection for a full list - I know this will get messy as you will have collections with 10 genres and people with 100 genres. Maybe it can be slightly smart and offer a selection on what you type ie a P bring up Pop/Rock.
Quint commented
I agree with RB. Although I did find the feature without documentation, I would opt for a quick drop down list (instead of clear text field)
RBoatright commented
avoiding clutter is good, but possible actions need to be visible so that the screen is self-documenting.
It is a balance, and it is hard.
Yes... or maybe a pencil icon (will probably also clear up the pencil for change art icon at the same time). I'm also trying to avoid clutter, but I realise it's a balance.
RBoatright commented
Dan, how about putting Genre: Rock [change] and Year: 2003 [change] and so forth, so that the screen is self-documenting? Even after this discussion, I didn't know until I read this that album name and artist where editable.
Just adding the [change] behind the changable item would fix that and massively reduce frustration.
True - it's not obvious. When you mouse over there should be a rectangle that appears in the same way as a few other interfaces. That would also be a problem if you were using a tablet, I guess.
The option to change the genre (and year, album name and artist) in this way is always there btw, regardless of whether there's an issue with the genre.
RBoatright commented
Ahhh... Dan, that's not terribly self-documenting. How would I the naive user know to click on the word reprise? At first, and second, and even third glance, it looks like one thing to do "Allow Reprise." How about "Allow Reprise" and "Change Reprise"
Excellent idea. You can change the genre though - just click 'Reprise' where it says 'Genre:' and the label should change to a text field. Type the new genre and press return and it will update.