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550 results found
Display more files
Redesign the main interface page to take up less real estate and dedicate more lines for the display read out.
I have Thousands of files and viewing them on a screen 96 at a time is difficult. Increasing the default to 250 or 500 or 1000 or all would be awesome.
Also tighten up the display a smaller font and no lines spacing between the lines would be helpful
8 votes -
Allow for multiple sets of rules depending on single/album/soundtrack/compilation
I've always distinguished between singles and full albums.
Singles sit in the root folder, and take the form <artist> - <track name>. I do keep the meta-data accurate, so I can still tell what album the single comes from and what its track number is (and of course I want the album art), but the filename is structured to allow quick windows explorer parsing.
Albums are organized by artist: music<artist><album><track number> - <track name>. Of course, compilations and sound tracks are another matter.
It would be nice to be able to designate tracks as part of an album, singles, soundtracks,…
8 votes -
8 votes
Move music files between libraries
Currently file organisation patterns move files within the same library. For example, if you had two libraries:
C:\Music\liveAnd a pattern:
<album artist>/<album name>/<tracknumber>-<track name>
That would move files within each respective library.
But what if you wanted to move files between the libraries? Here's a way it could be done:
<library:C:\Music\live><album artist>/<album name>/<tracknumber>-<track name>
All files would be moved into the C:\Music\live folder, then into the correct artist/album structure.
Combined with having different rulesets for different libraries, this would afford a way of having a "quarantine" or "staging" library, then moving files into your "live" library once fixed.
7 votes -
process improvements.
I am processing 170,000 files. So I have some comments on this very good software...
1) Please allow me to auto-accept size and track number changes without clicking each album
2) Please have some intelligence in the Genre such that "country" automatically becomes "Country", (as well as "Singer-Songwriter --> Singer/Songwriter", "R&b --> R&B"), etc. And let me autoaccept those
3) Please give me a way to clear out all uncessary information that is not part of the standard IDV tags (and clear out any comments, etc, that are part of the tags standard but are not necessary).
4) Please don't…7 votes -
Write musicbrainz IDs (MUSICBRAINZ_ID) into files (release, track, recording...)
I'm not sure what exactly bliss does when it is fingerprinting but it would be helpful if it could write the MBIDs that it either generates or receives from MusicBrainz into the files.
Reason: The popular Squeezebox TrackStat plugin can use these to identify songs even after they have been moved or renamed. If there are no Track IDs in the files, all TrackStat statistics (Playcount, rating etc) will be lost if files are renamed or moved.
7 votes -
Automatically suggest image files of same folder as cover.
Some covers are hard to locate on the internet in large resolution, but I already have many in a subfolder called 'covers' per album.
Perhaps you can display these covers (the .jpg files wich are in the same folder as the mp3/flac and/or those in a subfolder called 'covers') immediately on the 'choose an alternative' tab.7 votes -
Ability to enter missing track number (or set to 00) for filenames
I have a number of pieces that are the result of recording old cassettes, or sometimes albums, or pieces that I have recorded live, or lectures, or whatever, that simply do not HAVE track numbers.
Bliss complains that they're uncompliant, because they don't HAVE a track number... which is fine. But I have to bring up some external tag editor because BLISS doesn't let me enter a track number. Ideally, a "if track is missing utterly, number them in alpha order in that directory automatically, and don't ask me" function would be best. Or, perhaps, a "Set to 00" button,…
7 votes -
Auto tag compilations
bliss should auto tag compilations. I would like bliss to tag every album that has either Various Arist (or some other similar moniker in a defined set) in Album Artist tag with the compilation tag and tag every album that has the compilation tag with the same Various Artists title in the Album Artist tag.
See also which occurs because the "various artists" alias in bliss is hardcoded to "Various".
The reason for me wanting this is so that I can get control over all my compilationalbums when I look through my album collection on my music player. If…
7 votes -
Manage playlists with regard to the planed "Organise files" feature
I really like the idea of the upcoming "Organise Files" feature (files are renamed and moved into directories based on their tags, like: artist/album/tracknum-trackname). However there is one major reason for me why I would not use that feature at the moment: it would break any playlists that have those files in them (at least all the ones based on file path, most I guess).
My suggestion is to add a feature that corrects playlists when changing the path of a music file (name and directory). To keep things simple I would have the user supply one directory of playlists…
7 votes -
Explain what directory or file has "No Album Title" when I hit 'why?'
I have 12 'uncompliant' objects (albums? songs?) showing on the bliss screen which say 'No Album Title'. There's no explanation under 'why?', and AFAICT, no way to get the actual directory or file name of the offending object. So I have no idea what to fix!
7 votes -
automatic tag removal
The ability to remove some Tags to have a clean library without e.g. Genre.
6 votes -
unwanted clear and rescan after update
Had results of a whole scan on the screen and update database scan started.
Meanwhile looked to see if newer version of bliss available. It was.
Did update but bliss then went directly to a clear and rescan
If this an intended behaviour?
6 votes -
Rule for minimum bitrate
Add a rule for a minimum bitrate and bitrate type (CBR/VBR)
6 votes -
Various, Various Artists, Various artist
add a rule to force the same name for "Various_Artists" as album artist, if track artists are not equal.
6 votes -
Integrate a music player
It would be nice to be able to preview/play a track. When track name disputes arise, this would be useful in validating which track you're actually tagging. (Among other uses)
6 votes -
Show totally lifetime fixes used
I've upgraded to unlimited fixes. I see all the logs saying "...costing 1 fix". I'd love a tally of total fixes I've ever used. Make me feel good about buying the unlimited. :)
6 votes -
New genre page
As currrently we can see a files genre in a few places but could a page similar to the artist page be created so you can see all the genres currently set. On clicking that genre that shows all the albums/files with that Genre. Again similar to the Artist page. Would be useful for tidying a collection up where similiar genres exist. E.g. Alt-rock or alt rock or alternative rock.
6 votes -
Options of ignoring @eaDir errors (possibly more)
I am finding a lot of my folders have certain files that causes bliss to ignore the whole analysis of a that folder. Would like to have an override to ignore these types of filess & alow bliss to continue to process or even delete them automatically to then rescan accordingly. Files I am finding that causes ignore errors = ini files, thumbnails , any form of art= jpg bmp, gif, png etc , playlists & any other file that could stop bliss from processing.
6 votes -
Ability to select mutliple rows in the tag editor - for e.g. Artist or Album Name and paste into all selected at once
Ability to select mutliple rows in the tag editor - for e.g. Artist or Album Name and paste into all selected at once - would be very useful for adding artist and album names for missing albums.
6 votes
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