Display more files
Redesign the main interface page to take up less real estate and dedicate more lines for the display read out.
I have Thousands of files and viewing them on a screen 96 at a time is difficult. Increasing the default to 250 or 500 or 1000 or all would be awesome.
Also tighten up the display a smaller font and no lines spacing between the lines would be helpful
@Robbert I think the why? link and the tiling in general has got a bit messier since the fluid UI update. I'll try to look into it some more. In the meantime I'd like to know more about your workflow, perhaps by email for now before we decide on action. Does the inbox help at all?
Robbert commented
Personally I am not to much concerned about whether I can see 12 / 48 / 250 or 1000 albums on one page. I just having problems in getting a view that allows me to have a fast work flow. I'm currently reworking 5000+ albums so I'm seeking for the best possible optimization to get this work done.
At this moment the fastest workflow I found is to view only 12 albums and zoom out (Like you suggested in your previous answer) so that I have all 12 albums on one row. With a 1920x1080 screen resolution, that is just about perfect in the album view. Only when I open an album, the view becomes uncomfortable small.
I think what we like to see is a sleeker and more tidy overview in album view so that we can have 10 or 12 albums in one row without zooming. When I open the "why" for albums that do not comply, things can get messy. I would be a great improvement if that could be improved too.
I like to make these ideas measurable (as to when they are completed). Can we settle on a number you'd like to see page by page? Or are you wanting infinite scrolling? http://uxdesign.smashingmagazine.com/2013/05/03/infinite-scrolling-get-bottom/
Robbert commented
I kind of posted a similar issue that the current overview is not very convenient when maintaining 1000's of albums. My idea to generate a txt base overview is probably more effort then to change the current layout by changing the font and to squeeze thing a bit more together.
I think with the current layout we can have many more albums fit together on one screen. That would be great!
Do you mean "display more albums"?
It's not a solution but you can see more at once by using the zoom function in your browser...