The ability to monitor more than one location on a computer.
Those of us with large collections have to put them on several HDDs. I would like to be able to monitor my D:/audio & E:/audio concurrently.

Yep, will need to add that as a new idea though...
Magnus Larsson commented
I would like to be able to use individual rulesets for different locations, like classical, various artists, ...
Andy Fox commented
I'd really, really like this feature, as I currently have a file structure for my Music which completely prevents me from using any of the file/path features in bliss.
James commented
Yes. one click moving of an album to another library will be wonderful feature!!! exactly what I have in mind. Will make my workflow and managing of collection so much more powerful! Would be one of my most wanted feature :) hehe...
Yes it doesn't have to be there the first go. Can add support for multiple location, then add the moving (very easy to implement) and (on fly transcode APE->flac, flac->mp3, AAC-> mp3 ...) -- slightly harder to implement.
Thanks. I would imagine copying between libraries won't be in the initial cut of this... but could be added later.
James commented
Separate libraries support requested. I have diff locations for music, some on local HD, some on NAS, with music of different purpose.
One income library. File not yet to be organized. organized. or had chance to for extend listening.
One is the collection library. Albrums that I listen to most, and intend to keep for long time.Would be great Bliss can support either multiple instance, or same bliss able to manage multiple locations. htanks.
@rt I'm not sure if I really understand what you mean. If there's a problem with bliss, can you get in touch via and include a debug archive?
rt commented
With new backups of C:/audio I'd like to copy bliss adjustments to backups done on other HDD
rather than re-scan separately again.
Would like to see accurate album covers - seems to be using same, wrong, cover for alot of files. Could have option to leave empty or bliss should work better. -
Frank Helenius commented
hi. I have just joined using Bliss. I Works great. But I surely do miss the option of adding more than one directory for my music files. I have them placed on 2 different drives in a server. Bliss hopefully will be able to monitor my complete music library no matter where it psysically is on my computer.
Yeah, well I think the 'browse' button could be made more user friendly, or you could have a folder chooser where multiple folders could be picked...
GJ commented
I like this idea too, but with perhaps a little addition; to be able to easily select the files you want to monitor.
As an example:
I have a directory Classical music, in that directory I have 85 folders (generally composers) and in those folders the CD's are stored each in their own sub-folder. (in some cases in a second level when I have them sorted per Artist). In total there are 677 CD's.In bliss I now can select the whole directory and that will keep bliss busy for hours to process all 677 CD's
Or I can select for example the directory Bach, which will restrict bliss to look at just Bach with 22 sub folders (Artists) and a total of 94 CD's.
That is fine for Bach because that does not take extremely long and makes the chunk doable to observe.But in for example in Bizet there is only 1 CD, in Berlioz 3, in Brahms 10 and in Bruckner 4 CD's.
So I feel it would be an advantage if I could select the Bizet, Berlioz, Brahms and Bruckner folders in one go.
A bit like selecting multiple files while keeping the ctrl button pressed. -
Anonymous commented
Fully agree. As our music libraries grow in size, more often than not we can't (or choose not to) store our music files in one root directory or even on one hard drive. Bliss should allow the monitoring of multiple music library locations.
Anonymous commented
This gets my vote and would be a great feature. I have a symbolic link to my mp3's within my flac folder. Bliss handles the art work okay with this setup but gets confused with the file renaming rules.
Thanks Rick. Yeah, you can create references in Linux or 'aliases', I think, on the Mac (which are probably just references under the covers... probably...).
This won't help with all rules in bliss, though. For instance, the file org rule may try to move files out of the linked directory. Just a warning...
RBoatright commented
you do realize that you can set up a symbolic link between the D and E music folders so that programs like bliss see "E:\music" as d:\music\DriveE in any version of windows more recent than XP.
Or perhaps you don't. :-) in which case I offer you that workaround.
What _I_ do is create a master folder "C:\users\rick\musiclibrary and then in that folder create symlinks to each of the individual folders,, so that d:\audiobooks symlinks to c:\users\rick\musiclibrary\audiobooks and e:\training_classes symlinks to... you get the idea.
To do this in windows involves the dreaded command line.
bring up the command prompt.
then type
Then, when you look at c:\users\rick\musiclibrary you will see training classes and audiobooks as subdirectories. This just works, and is really cool.
(Doesn't work at all in XP, sorry.)
Similar functions exist on Macs and in Linux.