Check "Artist" Track To Known "Artist" Album First, before...
... checking against collection albums.
For example; I like to see by Michael Jackson - Bad.mp3 track, a recovering of the album Bad in stead of some collection album.
The year is also being set to the right release year (1987) in stead of the year of the collection. (And probably the right genre even so!)

Thanks, take a look at my comment in the other thread - and then we can decide what to do about this one too.
Marco Haenraets commented
Ok, lets see of we can bring those two suggestions back to one biggie...
I have to think this over, in the meantime, if I can help you in an other way, let me know. -
Yep, fair point. I think we should decide how to distil this to a more succinct idea because it feels to me like both of your ideas are requiring the same thing...
Marco Haenraets commented
The digital world is getting momentum.
The future will tell, but I think the days of the albums in not going to last.
(Not in the way we have lived with music, on tapes and LP's. I'm 46 now and I'm noticing a difference in the way music plays a part in life.)So an other approach is needed, and that's probably an track based one.
Even now, single tracks can be downloaded without being on a album release first. -
As in my answer to your other idea, the year tag is a result of the release if a release is specific in the ALBUM_NAME field. If it's "Bad" it should be 1987. If it's "Bad 25" it should be 2012.
It seems to me you need a wholesale tag correction approach that prefers original releases and tries to keep albums whole. But this might be difficult if the tracks are in different folders.
Marco Haenraets commented
About Bad 25; No I expected as a match the original "Bad" album, because his release date is earlier then the collection album Bad 25.
About "So I think bliss is doing what you want - *not* saving a file.";
Ok, bliss sees that the songs don't match with an album, so it leaves it with this?
No further steps?
In my opinion bliss is clustering directories in his matching and directories should be hard bounded. The only good answer for this remark should be separate's;
File not saved - other tracks in 1985 are from different albums.
File not saved - other tracks in 1988 are from different albums. etc.
Because this tells me that the xyz.mp3 in 1985 is not saved and is used as a separate album.About "Where did these tags come from in the first place?"
Most of the Meta is filled by Song Kong, with also makes use of the musicbrainz database.
The given match is probably a match to first artist & track combo its finds, instead of matching to the first release date.I hope I helped you. (Don't work to much, your on holiday ;-)
"In this situation it should be better that the script pulls them apart and treats them as singles, so I or the script can give them there own art and other meta data."
If the tags are correctly assigned it should do. In this case the tracks have been explicitly assigned to the album "80 Hits of the 80's" - .
Where did these tags come from in the first place?
"File not saved - other tracks in 1985,1988,1987,1989,1980 are from different albums.
I don't think it's wise (who am I to tell ??) to do a crosscountrytrackie over different directories. "
This is related to saving a cover.jpg in an album folder. bliss is not doing this, because the tracks in the album this relates to are in folders that have tracks from other albums in them.
I can see this in your debug archive - you have a lot of files in folders like "F:\Top 40 1980-Heden\1987\" for instance.
So I think bliss is doing what you want - *not* saving a file.
First, about the Michael Jackson - Bad.mp3 issue. You have two copies of this track, I assume the one you are interested in is the one within the album "Bad".
The tags for this particular file give the year as "1987". bliss groups all the tracks with the same album name together, and they share release year too.
There is also one track assigned to an album called "Bad 25" in the same folder. This is a track "Leave Me Alone" that's also normally part of "Bad". Is "Bad 25" the collection name you expected? If so, you need to assign "Bad 25" as the album name for each of the "Bad" tracks.
The fastest way to do that is to find "Bad", click it to see the album detail, then edit the name to "Bad 25" and click "Save". You can also use the "Tags" page.
Marco Haenraets commented
Thanks Dan, I've uploaded the file, and I'm in no rush.
Enjoy your Christmas and a Happy New Year. -
I've sent you an invite to a Dropbox folder. Can you upload the archive there? I'll also take a look at your other issues, but they may require separate resolution.
Marco Haenraets commented
An other small issue appeared... It's more a remark then an idea;
File not saved - other tracks in 1985,1988,1987,1989,1980 are from different albums.I don't think it's wise (who am I to tell ??) to do a crosscountrytrackie over different directories.
I presume that the script must know that an album is "always" in the same directory and this should be hard boundaries. The years are directory names.So the following gives me more time to think less of other things (lol)
Missing art from Climie Fisher - Rise to the occasion.mp3, zucchero - Senza una donna.mp3, bobby Brown - Every little step.mp3, garland Jeffreys - Matador.mp3, tears For Fears - Everybody wants to rule the...In this situation it should be better that the script pulls them apart and treats them as singles, so I or the script can give them there own art and other meta data. Even when there are directory boundaries its maybe better to pull them apart for a greater possibility to match them against artist albums when the script noticed that the directory is not an album directory but a (personal) collection directory. (Between us; I think that collections albums (Puthemthroughthedrain 1 till eternity), should be banned all together and should never be a possibility to match against a track.)
Marco Haenraets commented
Thank you for your quick response. Is it possible to upload or drop the file somewhere?
It's 64Mb ahem big. ;-) If you can receive this, I will send it to you of course... -
Can you send me a debug archive so I can understand what the tags are currently? See
In theory, bliss should be able to distinguish between different releases...