Tag correction
Make Bliss a one stop shop. When initial tags are wrong following ripping, want an option for Bliss to first fix tags prior to fixing the rest of the structure.

This has now been released: https://www.blisshq.com/music-library-management-blog/2017/04/11/release-20170404-album-level-tag-correction/
This is something I am working on right now. Firstly, the ability to see which online releases bliss links your albums too. And then, next, the ability to synchronise to those releases, which should cover both correction AND missing tags.
Adam commented
According to your help and FAQ's, Bliss only audio fingerprints files that have missing tags/ metadata. What about wrong tags/metadata? if bliss could fingerprint all tracks, then re-organize my library. because i'm still finding multiple of same album under a single artist. I have to manually move tracks to one album and manually update the tracks tags inconsistencies.
It is also used to identify year and genre... but are you asking for more tags/information to be covered?
Mickaël commented
Audio fingerprinting is only used in two places in bliss - the cover art rule and the Untagged page.
So I suggest to add it elsewhere to fill (or just suggesting to fill) in more metadata ...
I think to trackname, artistname, tracknumber, ... As much as possible. -
Thanks for posting. This looks like http://ideas.blisshq.com/forums/21939-bliss/suggestions/5746094-tag-correction to me - what do you think? I prefer to merge the same idea and combine the votes so the most voted suggestions rise to the top.
Feel free to create other ideas for your points at the end of your post.
Anonymous commented
According to your help and FAQ's, Bliss only audio fingerprints files that have missing metadata. But what about wrong metadata? I was an early adopter of Google Music, which mangled my library. I'm finally getting around to cleaning it all up, but I have had to use multiple programs to do so. I use MusicBrainz Picard to fix the metadata because I can set it to automatically scan the music for audio fingerprinting, rather than metadata, so I know I have correct information. But then I have to delete empty folders, rename the files, and reorganize them.
I'd like to be able to do all of this with Bliss.
(Also, I'd like to eliminate underscores from the naming process, locate and delete duplicates based upon audio fingerprinting, and add an automatic search and replace of genres.)
Laurie Lewis commented
A key part of any music system is making sure that tags are correct
Marco Haenraets commented
The digital world is getting momentum.
The future will tell, but I think the days of the albums in not going to last.
(Not in the way we have lived with music, on tapes and LP's. I'm 46 now and I'm noticing a difference in the way music plays a part in life.)So an other approach is needed, and that's probably an track based one.
Even now, single tracks can be downloaded without being on a album release first.In this we will also a new way to get the right match to meta data and art.
An option could be with heuristics to prefer older or "original" releases in search query.