Automated deletion of duplicates
The duplicate detection feature is nice, but with a very large library (and also with with the relatively slow operation in the Synology version, at least on my NAS) it is unworkably time-consuming to delete the individual duplicates manually. It would be really helpful to have an automatic deletion of duplicates - when a duplicate is detected, it is automatically deleted based on preference rules (higher bitrate, more complete metadata, etc.). Any chance of this?

S B commented
Should be conditional however.....automatic detection and choice for deletion
Anonymous commented
My library is over 1TB this would be extremely helpful. If going to implement I would base options / logic on:
> Choose and keep the highest quality sound file (flac over mp3 320kbps over 128kbps) throughout the entire library
> Copy that highest quality result file to any other albums compilations that use same exact song (if length of song and fingerprint match so as to avoid losing a "live" version of a song with same title.
> Ideally these would be preference based for flexibillity in end user use cases - but honestly I think this and a couple options (like file name length for previous poster) would button this up for 99% of your users! Thanks! -
Thanks @Christopher . Those are some good heuristics to add to the list.
Christopher Keller commented
I have a large library and after running it through Bliss I have quite a lot of duplicate tracks to take care of. Currently, these must be resolved manually one at a time since Bliss has no way of knowing which duplicates to delete automatically. It would be nice if the user could select a rule to apply for deletion of duplicate tracks. Choices could be:
(1) Let the user decide on a case by case basis (the current approach)
(2) Keep the most recent one
(3) Keep the oldest one
(4) Keep the shortest file name
(5) Do nothing (keep all duplicates)I would choose option 4, as I think many people would. This would be a nice choice because iTunes appends the original file names when creating duplicates.
If we could configure this rule in Settings, or make a choice in the Inbox page under Select by Type before doing a batch fix, this would be a HUGE time/labor saver for users!