Make license topics more transparent
I was surprised to see a "your license is about to expire" warning on the top of my screen recently (unlimited customer since 02/2016, according to I should not be seeing that in the first place).
I paid anyway, but I have some suggestions:
- put the current license expiry date into the header
- make sure extensions bought actually extend from the expiry date instead of buying one year from now
I’ve thought this through and I’ve decided not to do this (the addition to the footer – extending the period from the expiry date was done separately).
The current expiry date is already shown on the licence page.
There should be warnings that pop up in the last month of the date.
Finally the expiry date being shown always adds to clutter, which is something I’m trying to reduce. I’m not convinced this needs to be constantly shown.
Ok, just noticed the expiry date _wasn't_ being set correctly (it was a problem with the online licence generator) so that's fixed...
I'll leave this open for the idea about putting the expiry date in the header/footer.
I think it's a good idea to add the expiry date. You should already get warnings in the last month of the update period.
Frank Köhntopp commented
Hi Dan,
seriously, keep the money.
I meant the page header (or footer) with the Bliss version, add expiry date, you could even change the color once it's about to expire.
Something's weird anyway because it only shows expiry on one of two systems. -
You shouldn't have had to pay - please get in contact so we can arrange a refund for you.
There must be some other issue with the licence you were installing, or maybe some bug in the way bliss was interpreting it.
> put the current license expiry date into the header
Which header do you mean?
> make sure extensions bought actually extend from the expiry date instead of buying one year from now
Hmmm - it should already work that way. I'll check it.