Ability to set "Fix track numbers automatically" in the settings
I have discovered I am really really tired of clicking "Set track to 01, Set track to 02, Set track to 03 .... over and over again in the User Interface. Why can't Bliss just do that????

This has now been completed: http://www.blisshq.com/music-library-management-blog/2013/07/09/new-release-20130702/
Alvin Williams commented
Awesome thanks a lot Mr.Gravell! Been looking forward to this for eons!! :D This program is damn near perfect IMO.
Depends how much cash!
Seriously, I'm hoping to get to look at this soon. I've fixed a bunch of updater and data corruption bugs in the new release which I hope is clearing the path for some new stuff.
Paul commented
Can I swap cash for votes?
@tinmanjim That's always the trouble with automatic fixes! The challenge is balancing UI convenience and 'security'.
tinmanjim commented
This feature would be a true blessing - although bliss is seriously cool even without it! My library contains several thousand mp3's, and I used another utility to "automatically" set the track numbers on everything. When will I learn to test things like that on a few items first? Anyhoo, the software I used set every un-numbered track to 1... oops!
@Martyn - it's really a case of which ideas have the most votes. Sometimes if something is very easy or is part of some larger work I want to do I might work on it out-of-order.
Unfortunately I haven't worked on new ideas much in the past month because I was concentrating on the in-app update code and then fixing any bugs that had come up in the meantime. For the next release at the end of August I'm hoping to have restarted new work.
Martyn Thompson commented
Dan, how many votes do we need to make this active?
Mats Larssen commented
I concur - please automate that one, if possible. And yes, I've voted for it. :)
Martyn Campbell commented
Yes Please!!
... because not enough people have voted for it yet ;-)