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  1. album art too large when viewed on album compliance

    When clicking on album name from the album page the art seems to take up far too much space or is it just me? Appreciate the whole page can be zoomed in & out but need to still read the details & edit them. I think the art could be at least half the size allowing for more details to be shown on the page without using the scroll bars. Perhaps if the art was even shown smaller on the page but then on clicking the art it zoomed in for anyone wanting to see the finer details of it!

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  2. Overall / queue progression bar


    Great software, a bit slow on my synology NAS but usable, a plus would be to have an overall progression bar : I guess you have some sort of a queue in Bliss, which could be rendered next to the "Scanned X of Y albums" and why not a ETA indicator ?

    Thanks again for your software

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  3. More memory alloted = MUCH better performance

    The docs say that Bliss shouldn't need more than 256MB. That may be so but I found very substantial performance increases by going to 512MB. I'm a new user but from what I read I believe that my speed at 512MB is probably "normal' - i.e., I was starved at 256MB. This may just be for my own environment.

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  4. Allow for directory-level album artwork backup

    I'd like to be able to change the name of the existing artwork file as well as create an optimized version. For example, I'd like to have it take the original "cover.jpg", rename it as "cover (original).jpg", and then make the optimized version "cover.jpg". Since I'm also embedding artwork, the current backup option isn't ideal, since I don't need backups of the artwork for every file; I just want to rename the original file as well as give a name to the optimized version in a directory.

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  5. tags file size album wrap

    When editing under the tags page it would be useful to be able to have a column that shows the actual file size so that a user could identify an album wrap and tag it accordingly. eg. ALBWRAP

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  6. Add stop service or scan button (synology nas)

    The idea behind this is a simple way to stop the service mid scan to enable any number of things to take place. Currently having to navigate to the package & stop the service. Perform various things then restart the service. Just a nice quicker way to do this

    regards Ian

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  7. Allow for Checking of DPI Value for Embedded Artwork

    I've noticed that some albums that have passed bliss compliance checks have failed to display artwork in my car (2014 Audi A3 with MMI). When I've checked the embedded artwork, the culprits always have a high value for the dpi - eg 300dpi. Artwork at 72 or 96dpi displays correctly.

    Can a check on dpi be done as part of the compliance check, even if it's not possible to automatically correct it?

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  8. Persistent album navigation buttons

    I'm validating Bliss's artwork and metadata suggestions and I've just gotten to the second 96-album page of the album list. Unlike the first 96-album page, I can't always move from the current to the next album: the buttons that let me move backward and forward in the album list sometimes disappear, leaving only the "Back to album list" button. This slows my validation considerably because I need to navigate to each album rather than simply clicking a button to move to it.
    Here's how to reproduce the problem:
    * Navigate to the second page of the album list.
    * Click…

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  9. Failed to update tags (pop up not clearing) temp recolour background

    When editing tags manually and assume bliss is already doing something to that file then you get a pop up message stating "failed to update tag" However the pop up box does not clear and so you have to come out of tags and back in. Re-select to show the tags that are wanting to be edited again e.g. in this case Genre.. Then continue down the list to find where you were. Skip that album & continue....... somewhat annoying ... Any way of identifying a locked file ? say temp recolour back ground to red so you know not…

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  10. Allow license to be added as parameter on startup

    I've been playing around with docker version of bliss that has been started by grant Shipley (credit:

    One thing I've noticed is every time I start it, while I can preserve the config for the database the license information is lost and I have to manually re-enter it.

    Suggestion from this idea is to find a way to allow the user to pass in their license on startup. Suggestion is setting a parameter in startup script that will load if valid.

    Unless there is a way already to do this?

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  11. clear tags & standard comments tag

    As been mentioned perhaps before an ability to clear certain tags would be good. Especially when starting with a jumbled messy collection.

    Not least as an addition to the settings page have a setting that allows a comment to be set as standard for the comment tag. Allow a radio button/sub control to state append or overwrite or clear current comment tag. So when found Bliss will append or overwrite or clears any current comment that is within the comment tag. Gets rid of or tidies the comment tag.

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  12. missing art shortcut

    When missing art is found as non compliance, and you are viewing albums , by clicking on the empty thumb nail this immediately takesyou to the page where you can search for missing art.
    back end of URL below....

    This would save on repeated navigating through the menues to get to the websearch function..
    Just an idea

    Rgds Ian

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  13. Official iTunes Genres list in the Genre consolidation pull down menu

    Would it be possible to have the option of the level 1 and level 2 genres that iTunes supports available in the Genre consolidation menu? The list is viewable at

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  14. Take non-audio files to the new directory when renaming albums

    I think subject says it all. When bliss is auto-renaming files and album directories according to tags and if the album name is different than the directory where the current album is stored, it creates a new directory in correspondance to the album name and moves all files there in, however non audio files (like pdf, additional art directories) are left behind in the original directory. The make this fantastic feature really useful, the whole content of the old directory should be moved to the new one.

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  15. a compliance setting to ensure artwork is consistent across all album tracks

    Whilst cleaning up id tags in beta version of PerfectTunes for Mac discovered that there were some music files with singular embedded artwork but they were not consistent across the whole album.

    Bliss confirmed artwork was compliant with just one embedded artwork per file but occassionally there were differences across the album. For example two different album covers or more often two different file sizes.

    It would be useful to have Bliss scan music tracks and alert you to those that have different artwork across one album.

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  16. For genres, optionally pull in music "style" as well

    The 'style' field in Discogs tends to have valuable information for organizing my music, for example, a movie soundtrack I own has "Rock, Pop, Classical" as it's genres in Discogs. However the 'Style' field in Discogs is "Soundtrack", which is what I would like to categorize it under. Currently Bliss marks it as non-compliant and suggests I set the soundtrack to "Rock". This also means most sub-genres (post-rock, trance, house, etc) are marked as invalid and are suggested to set to their parent categories (Rock, Electronic).

    I can see how this could be a non-issue, as most of the time…

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  17. Cloud based version

    Cloud version that can connect to OneDrive and manage the files there.

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  18. Fix priority and dependency

    So you have a list of all the fixiable issues but should they only be clickable if they do not upset another clickable fix of say incorrect path (especially when you have auto move set) Or even would be helpful if the fixes are given priorities over other fixes so like a priority system that you should click on 1st before anything else?(perhaps with a coloured red green blue highlighted key ) Just so you know what you should click 1st beore a rescan

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  19. Synology Bliss - Albums page genre suggested & custom tag

    On the albums page & on showing the fixes would it be possible to amalgamate the suggested genre with the custom genre that may have been set by the user. Then only one genre tag button to deal with?

    Regards Ian

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  20. Resourses or Throttle or Set priority of functions

    What about a number tag or slider bar to throttle bliss altogether i.e run in background or half or full according to resouses ?

    I dont know if there would be any benefit or possibilty of doing this according to different functions or parts of Bliss.

    However just a thought so that if using the PC or NAS to stream at the same time I could set Bliss to background or even pause quickly

    All teh best Ian.

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