For genres, optionally pull in music "style" as well
The 'style' field in Discogs tends to have valuable information for organizing my music, for example, a movie soundtrack I own has "Rock, Pop, Classical" as it's genres in Discogs. However the 'Style' field in Discogs is "Soundtrack", which is what I would like to categorize it under. Currently Bliss marks it as non-compliant and suggests I set the soundtrack to "Rock". This also means most sub-genres (post-rock, trance, house, etc) are marked as invalid and are suggested to set to their parent categories (Rock, Electronic).
I can see how this could be a non-issue, as most of the time we'd like to simplify genre's down to the major parent ones. Perhaps I'm using the genre field too extensively, though it's very handy for me to be able to jump through a larger library's genres like "Trance", "Ambient", or "Soundtrack" instead of just grouping them all up under "Electronic"
Anyway, ideally I think it would be handy to (optionally?) pull in the "Style" fields from Discogs (this is all based on the assumption that it fetches it from the linked release anyway). I could always turn off automatic genre tagging altogether and set them manually, but having the automatic check is very useful still.

Z commented
I like my music tagged with as many genres/styles as possible. Then I let the player do the work. So an album that combines genres would be heard in many different genre based playlists
Peter commented
I'd like upvote this feature suggestion. For anyone with a more extensive collection, high-level genres need subgroupings – e.g. I like my Punk music to be separate from Classic Rock, thank you very much.
Thomas Lenzen commented
I totally agree, please implement - this might help ->
You're right - OMA uses release group tags, that are within a defined set of genres, as genres. It also uses Discogs genres. So it would just be a case of importing the style information as well to at least get at the data. As you say, the most tricky question is how these should be treated and inserted in a library.
billybombill bob commented
Ahhh sweet :) I looked into it a bit more and it's kind of a combination of things in my case that caused some confusion when I was tagging some albums and looking at discogs/musicbrainz.
Firstly that the onemusicapi seems to look at the Musicbrainz 'release group' for genre tags, which is to be expected. For a small number of releases sometimes someone puts tags on the individual release but not on the release group, which is a bit annoying, but not the api's fault or responsibility really. And secondly that Discogs separates major genres and styles, so for many releases it's harder to get smaller genres than say "Electronic" suggested unless someone put them in the tags on Musicbrainz.
So perhaps 'style' would be useful in some way, though it makes sense that it might not be best to just return them all under Genre, perhaps an optional thing. Food for thought anyway.
Nice idea. In the new versions of the metadata server we do allow multiple genres to be returned, this would fit into this. The question may be whether it's important to have styles and genres intermingled. I think the distinction is highly subjective in a lot of cases.