Differentiate between a fixed and already compliant albums
Currently Bliss searched through my collection and it indicates it has "fixed" tags. However, all it has really done is analyse them as the majority of tags are alredy compliant with the rules set.
I would like to see a spearate counter of tracks that are already compliant, leaving the fix counter for when a fix has really been applied.
At the same time, the ability to subset the real fixes would be good.

Since 20110615 (http://www.blisshq.com/music-library-management-blog/2011/06/21/new-release-20110615-activity-stream/) a global activity log shows what albums were already compliant. In part, this fixes this particular idea, but in addition I have created a separate idea for compliance stats: http://bliss.uservoice.com/forums/21939-bliss/suggestions/1909959-summary-of-stats
First things first: if the fix counter is decrementing and bliss hasn't done anything to fix an album, that's a bug and needs to be fixed. Please get in touch with me by email.
At the most basic level, I want bliss to offer a view of your music collection as-is, and how well it conforms to the rules you have set. That doesn't work so well for 'temporal' statements, like whether your album was already compliant before bliss started running. However, maybe bliss could keep a log of things that have been done or the results of scans for each album. When you drill through on an album, some sort of log could be seen with timestamps of when it was scanned and what the assessment and fix was.