Capitalisation, allow EP, LP etc.

This has now been released:
Adding every artist name would not scale, so I want to solve this alongside the canonical artist rule. I think I could add a checkbox to the rule saying "if the artist is canonically correct, ignore the case rule".
That said, OST are an interesting one!
Could you add this as a new idea? The same fix can also be applied to album and track names.
Anonymous commented
OK. LP and EP obviously fixed. Thanks for that! How about OST/O.S.T.?
Could do... should probably be a different idea.
Anonymous commented
Maybe you can make this customisable? Like a list of words and terms to ignore?
Thanks, I'll add EP, LP etc. And check AC/DC... (thought we had that as a test case actually! Will double check.)
Anonymous commented
Just checked: "Ac/DC" is suggested by canonical spelling
Anonymous commented
I am already enforcing canonical for artist. Album is the way bigger problem.
For artists, I wonder if a simple "canonical spelling" option would be best, so that the artist name is simply as the artist intended it.
Anonymous commented
Handle german "und" like english "and", no capitals
Anonymous commented
also artist OST or O.S.T. instead of Ost