Adding 'browse' upload option for adding album art
There is an excellent custom album art option today for adding a URL to the albym art image. Sometimes you have the album art on a local file, and a quick way to add album art through BLISS would be to upload it through a 'browse' button providing a standard explorer window that you manually locate the desired image file.

This feature has now been released:
True, Luca, thanks for highlighting that.
lucaberta commented
Dan, what you say is true only if the file is already on the remote file system, where bliss is running, as it will be resolved locally by the web server where bliss runs. Implementing the "browse" option will allow cover art to be uploaded from a separate machine with a local copy of the covert art. This would be very useful in case of VortexBox, for instance.
Nice idea. It could be a separate tab "Browse - for files on your computer".
Btw - it may be possible to actually do this using the provide URL feature. Try the URL as:
file://<path to file>
file://c:/document and settings/john/Desktop/acover.jpegHaven't tried it myself...