Add Rescan button
A Rescan button would be useful to allow manually initiation of bliss scanning the music library to look for new albums. An Abort Scan button, to stop the scan, would also be useful.
This is similar to how SqueezeBox Server works.

This feature is complete and released: .
Alongside the changes for there will be a pause button to stop bliss listening to the file system. When this occurs, any currently running rule assessment/fixes will be completed and then the scan will pause.
A start scan button will re-start the scan from where it left off.
When bliss is started, it will no longer start the scan automatically. You will have to press the start button for the scan to begin.
Shawn Kernen commented
Good work!
Shawn Kernen commented
It's now possible to rescan individual albums, but only at a rule level, i.e. given the files already known to bliss, re-assess and refix.
Rescanning from disk is still work-to-do.
I like this idea. In many ways I see two features here:
1) The ability to recheck everything in your library against your rule - 'rescan'
2) The ability to turn on/off automatic file update notifications, which currently by default lead to a rescan of any affected albums