Add option to save preexisting cover before overwriting
Could you add an option to save a copy of any preexisting cover, whether embedded and/or standalone to a user-defined filename before bliss replaces? Would be a prerequisite before I unleashed bliss on my entire library where bliss would predominantly be looking for larger artwork and I would want to confim quality before removing the preexisting coverart.

This feature was released in build 20100606.
I see. As I understand it this is specifically for the cases where you are changing the rule e.g. to make the art larger, and you don't necessarily want to overwrite the existing art, until you see what the new art would be.
If we implemented what I suggest on this suggestion: ... (the detail screen for each album, showing the current art) in conjunction with the overwrite = never we could in effect get what you are asking, right? Read on...
The effect would be - whenever bliss sees uncompliant art (in this case art that is too small) it will lookup alternatives but it won't install them. The album will be shown as uncompliant, with the current uncompliant art. When you click on the album, you get to see the current art, but you also get to see the alternatives with an option to overwrite.
Or would you *specifically* want a file written?