allow override when part of a compilation contains one artist
The way it seems to work is that if there is a compilation that contains more than a certain percentage of a given artist, Bliss wants to tag the compilation as being by that artist.
One example: I have an 8 cd set of 16th century music. One of those CDs is all one artist, and Bliss wants to put that CD into the artists directory. I would like it to be part of the compilation.

This is fixed in the new beta, scheduled for release on 19th August. Anyone that wants to try the beta, let me know!
Anonymous commented
Sure, thanks.
Doug, now this is fixed (in the next release) can we close this?
Sorry, the work slipped off the list to take a look at your debug archive. I'll do it this week, because I'm looking at a similar problem.
Anonymous commented
Any new ideas on this? Thanks.
Anonymous commented
Ah, ok. Yes, every disc is named the same. I'm going to run this on my local bliss (mac) with just these discs -- I'll get a debug to you later today (or early tomorrow where you are)
I mean: the album name should be just "16th Century Music" not "16th Century Music (disc 1)", "16th Century Music (disc 2)" etc.
I assumed this was the case because otherwise the one CD with a consistent artist should be overruled.
If not, please send me a debug archive - "Help" then "Download debug archive".
Anonymous commented
I'm not sure what you mean by individual release name -- all the discs are named the same with only their disc numbers to differentiate them.
Yeah that's correct, if one release has n tracks by a given artist it takes that artist name.
Are these CDs named with individual release names including a CD artifact? E.g. "Album name (disc 1)"? Ideally the disc information should be in the DISCNUMBER field and therefore all discs would be grouped with a consistent artist name.