Individual rulesets for different locations.
Since multiple music folders are close to implementation, I want to be able to specify different rulesets for different folders.

Sorry - what do you mean by "route" folders?
Mike Lerch commented
I love this idea and wanted to add my two cents. Like some other folks, I have a collection of lossless files that I used to generate one or more collections of lossy files. While maybe not everyone would want to follow this folder scheme, I have no problem with having completely separate route folders for those collections, and would like to have different rules for them wholesale, specifically around the ID3 tag type and album cover size.
with that said, I very much like the idea of having the most specific rule win, like within my lost this folder, having a folder of compilations or singles or classical music or what have you, and applying separate rules within the broader root folder. This certainly would provide the most flexible configuration.
Of course, the ultimate would be if Bliss could *figure that out* for me. In other words, my folders are currently arranged as /storage/music/Flac/{artist}...if I had separate naming rules for classical music, it'd be stunning if it found the stuff in my ../Mozart folder and moved it to ../classical/Mozart or whatever.
for me though, that would merely be a nice to have rather than a have to have. Just being able to apply separate rules for separate route folders would bring me 95% of the way there.
As per some other ideas here, I often come up against the need to have different rulesets, although sometimes for different reasons, e.g. different rules for compilations
It's been a long term vision to have a way of "selecting" music to be managed in different ways. Here you might have a selector "album.tracks.size==1 || track.album.isEmpty" (or something) and then any release that matches that gets organised in a different way. Does that make sense?
Once you do that, it becomes a case of implementing the data points which mean you could differentiate your music. It sounds like it's just odd tracks, so in my example above that's: files with an album with only one track OR files without an album tag. I think that would generally pick out what you wanted.
Also see:
Hal commented
One thing that intuitively was missing for me when trying Bliss for the first time was a way of differentiating between singles and albums when setting up the rules.
I mean, assuming that I myself manually have split my collection into 2 separate main folders, 1 main folder containing singles in the root of the folder + custom collections of mp3s in their own subfolders, and 1 main folder containing complete albums: I would want different ruleset profiles for those two folders. For the albums the files should have album/artist folder structure and so on.
But for the singles I would want the files to have all relevant info in the filename and have no folder structure but instead be thrown alltogether in the root (with a tick box option if you want that they should just stay put within the subfolder they already were living in)
By "singles" I mean a single track that may as well be part of an album, I do not mean a dedicated single that you necessarily can buy in the store. -
Bob H commented
Sorry, I haven't been back for a while. Dan, in answer to your question, yes, I think you'd want to most specific rule(s) to win.
Bob H commented
Different a Ruleset for each library would be very useful. Here's my scenarion
I have a primary library (FLAC) that I use for all playback in my home, for this I want high resolution album art – I like the idea of Bliss working in the background to find and apply hires art, fix tags, etc.
From the FLAC source, I’ve created (converted) a secondary MP3 library that I use for my mobile devices, car, etc. For some of the devices, high resolution art isn’t always supported and I’d like to have Bliss resize the album art to a lower res size (like 500x500).
Magnus Larsson commented
Hmm... need to think a bit, I'll get back tomorrow
This is a really nice idea. The main question in my mind is: what if one library is a child of another? E.g. say your libraries are C:\music and C:\music\compilations. Should the most specific rules win?