Distinguish albums with the same album name from the same artist by year
Some artists release several albums using the same name (e.g. Weezer with 3 albums named "Weezer"). These currently will appear as 1 entry in bliss, making it hard to assign different artwork for each entry. Suggestion: check if entries exists with the same album name but different years and file them as [Album Name] ([Year]).

Anonymous commented
This is my biggest issue with Bliss. The Weezer example is a good one. I play my music in Kodi and have had to fix artwork there multiple times after Bliss sets all of the albums to the same artwork.
I also experience this with other artists when I have 2 releases of the same album from different years. The reason I keep them both is because they have different track lists.
All of my albums are in different folders, so checking folder names would work for me. If that isn't feasible for folks that have all of their songs in a root folder, why not use MusicBrainz release id to tell the difference?
This is a showstopper for me, surprised more users haven't reported it.
mactigerman commented
My setting in bliss is:
<album artist>/(<year>) - <album name>/<discnumber> - <tracknumber:auto> - <track name>
So, as I found out now, this does not work correctly, when we have different albums from different years by the same artist.
The (<year>) bit is ignored and all tracks are being put inside the folder of the newest album by year.
My tracks are all correctly tagged, before I use bliss.
Can you please fix this.
The difficult bit with this is: how do we know when the year is different denoting different releases, or the year has just been incorrectly tagged? Heuristics I can think of:
- Check online to see if there are known distinct releases
- See if there's an overlap with track numbers... one album should be a subset of another
- See if the files are in separate folders. But this should only work with other clues because we want to support files that are spread around a root folder.