Need new selection option to display albums starting with special characters
I have several albums whose titles start with special characters:
1's by Destiny's Child
...But Seriously by Phil Collins
...By Request by Boyzone
These show up on the Installed screen when I select "all", but there is no option to display just those albums which start with special characters.
Another field should be added to the selection menu, before 0...9, to select these albums.
This is now completed. A new option in the filter allows ‘other characters’ to be specified as the starting character as per the comment/workaround I mentioned.
You're right, this is worth doing. In the meantime, how's about this for a crazy workaround?:
If you look at the URL for the filtered album screen you'll note it includes a 'regular expression' by which the albums that are shown are filtered. You could actually put anything here. For instance I just tried:
And it gave me all the albums with '...' in them. Therefore...:
Should list the albums you name above. If anyone REALLY REALLY needed this feature, this is a workaround.