On the installed page, provide an option to show the size of the album art
Under each album art picture on the Installed page, optionally display the size of the picture; e.g. 300x300, 500x500, etc.

The changes to the grid view have been released, so you can see the size for all art by clicking the 'why?' link from compliance.
To recap, this ticket was about always seeing the art and I suggested a details/list/table view to achieve that, and this is still yet to be implemented.
The behind-the-scenes work is done and the latest beta build at least shows the current size in the thumbnail view - hidden inside an expandable area explaining why each album is compliant/uncompliant.
I want to keep the thumbnail/grid view clean, so this is why the size is hidden. For the list view discussed here, I'll make it so you can see the size all the time without having to reveal anything.
The changes to the grid view should be released next weekend, hopefully.
I've been doing some behind-the-scenes work on this over the past couple of weeks, to at least make the current art size available. Next, what will probably happen is that I will add in the ability to view the art size in the current thumbnail layout first, then add in the list layout.
ianstephenson1980 commented
Hi Dan
"It sounds like, in general, you'd want a way of looking at the details of all of your art together and 'at a glance'."
yes this is how I would imagine it, I think most people would come to bliss with some cover art in place, however I doubt whether many would know exactly how big their artwork is - this way you could look at your collection at a glance and see which one's you instantly wanted to change e.g. less then 500x500
It sounds like, in general, you'd want a way of looking at the details of all of your art together and 'at a glance'.
Maybe an analogy is with file explorers? For instance, with file explorers you have thumbnail views and detail views (and lots of others). Currently we have the thumbnail view, but a detail view would include the size of the current art.
It feels like that table view approach would work, plus sortable columns would be nice too. Making work for myself here :(
ianstephenson1980 commented
I noted the exact same thing last night on the latest test so this gets my vote also !
Ron Olsen commented
I'd like to see the size info displayed under each image. I realize not everyone wants this; that's why I suggested making it an option. The default would be to display no size info.
I like to have large album art -- 500x500 or larger, which displays well on my iPod Touch using iPeng with SqueezeBox Server. Having the size info displayed while I scroll through the Installed screen would point out those images that I should consider upgrading.
Having to roll over each image with the mouse to bring up a tooltip would be very tedious. It would be even more tedious to have to click on each image to check the size.
I'd like to be able to check size info on all the installed images in my library very quickly, without having to follow a repetitive, time-consuming process on each individual image.
Would a tooltip suffice, or something that displayed when you rolled over the image? I want to keep the overview page as uncluttered as possible.
Maybe if I changed the page you get when you click through on the image to be a current status style page? Currently it just shows the image. (The workaround is to right click on the image there - most browsers will tell you the image size).