The ability of Bliss to accept the artwork already correctly attached in iTunes
In my experience Bliss has changed the artwork of my files transferred from Itunes to Vortexbox. Seems a strange thing to do if the artwork is already correct.

Might end up using . bliss runs in a Java VM (it's written in a combination of Java and Scala). We can use JNA to talk to the COM API. But I'd need to do a bit more work to find out if this is the best way.
John Cox commented
It would be nice if Bliss would take the artwork from iTunes and embed it into the music files. This is what I assumed the original poster meant. I am up-voting based on that assumption. Also, I found some VB script ( that looks promising. Actually, it is the only promising thing I have found for Windows users that might work. Everything else I have tried to date either was a broken link or did not work as advertised. I do not know what Bliss is written in. But, since it runs a web page this might be something that could be incorporated. I have not tested this one yet myself. I am working on tweaking this but, write C/C++ not VB. So I am not familiar with some of the methods.
Ah, the message above was written for a previous idea you posted, which it looks like was on the same subject.
I'm guessing (although you didn't say this) that the artwork you have is in iTunes, right? The trouble is that iTunes is not a particularly "good citizen" in this regard and does not store the artwork in the music files, instead it stores the artwork in its own database that other software can't see easily.
This means that when you use your music files in most other software/hardware external to the iTunes ecosystem it cannot see the artwork. What happened in this case was that bliss thought there wasn't any artwork and so went and found some.
The workaround to this is to force iTunes to place the artwork in the files. If you have a Mac computer then this is quite easy to do using . If you don't have a Mac computer you may have to do this by hand (as far as I know). Once the artwork is in the files, bliss will see that and it should work.
I think you also contacted us by email with one example of the incorrect artwork. This is a separate problem. It would help if you could send the debug archive as asked in those emails - "Help" then "Download debug archive".
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