Compilation/Various Artist Folders
I would like these albums to be able to tag by artist so say an albym with the rolling stones, beatles, and others would show songs as rolling stones, genre named compilation , album and song name
need to identify by artist name have multiple 100's of compilation albums

I think Mike wanted to keep the album name, but change the track artist name. Some music players can handle different track artists per track, some can't.
Could you add an idea for this?
Anonymous commented
Mike, would this be an example of what you're asking?
You have a Big Shiny Tunes 2 Album
The track swallowed by bush currently has the album tag "Big Shiny Tunes 2"
You would like bliss to change the album tag to "Razorblade Suitcase" and remove the compilation flag
If not, this is what I was looking for bliss to help me with but couldn't make it work.
You can already add tags to the "ARTIST" tag using the Tags page - also if these are official releases they should be flagged as incorrect information.
Given that, I don't understand exactly what you need - are you saying you want the groups of tracks within an album to be separated by artist?