Check for, and correct, song length.
Many of my iTunes songs are now increased in length, some by 5 seconds, some 11, some 8, some 15 seconds. What appears to have happened is that the last 5-15 seconds of a song are copied and attached to the end of the song.
I’ve tried researching it but have hit a wall. I did wonder if it was because I used iTunes Match last year in order to increase the quality of my songs (which were ripped from CD years ago at 192kbps).
If this is an endemic problem (I see that others have experienced it) then maybe Bliss could include a function to check song length and then truncate the song to the correct length?

It may be that iTunes Match is matching the track to a version on a different release - this may be of a different length as the recording was cut for a different medium (e.g. compilation versions of songs can have different amounts of silence at either end of the track).
But I'm assuming it's silence that is copied - is it as bad as actual audible *music* copied? That would sound awful and sounds like a big issue.
I like this idea as a part of "album integrity" alongside the duplicates and missing track work.